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发布时间:2024-08-21 00:14:25

[单项选择]A digital wristwatch was set accurately at 8:30 a.m. and then lost 2 seconds every 5 minutes. What time was indicated on the watch at 6:30 p.m. of the same day if the watch operated continuously until that time ?()
A. 5:56
B. 5:58
C. 6:00
D. 6:23
E. 6:26

更多"A digital wristwatch was set accura"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following statements most accurately describes the difference between LIBOR and Euribor( )
A. LIBOR is a lending rate, while Euribor is a borrowing rate. 
B. LIBOR is a representative borrowing rate on U. S. dollars, while Euribor is a representative borrowing rate on euros. 
C. LIBOR is a global risk-free rate, while Euribor is a European risk-free rate.
[单项选择]Which of the following choices most accurately illustrates an operating liability and which most accurately illustrates a financing liability Operating liabilities Financing liabilities()
A. Customer advances        Accrued liabilities 
B. Short-term note payable     Current portion of long-term debt
C. Accounts payable        Current portion of long-term debt
[单项选择]Marginal benefit is most accurately described as the:()
A. benefit from producing one more unit of a good or service.
B. benefit an individual gets from consuming an additional unit of a good or service.
C. benefit that must be forgone in order to consume an additional unit of a good or service.
[单项选择]Producer surplus is most accurately defined as the.()
A. difference between the opportunity cost of producing the last unit of a good or service and the price received for that unit.
B. sum of the differences between the marginal benefit and the marginal cost for each unit of good produced and consumed over the total number of units produced and consumed.
C. sum of the differences between the price received for each unit of good produced and the opportunity cost of each unit.
[单项选择]Which of the following most accurately describes society’s allocation of resources to the production of goods with external costs or external benefits External costs External benefits() ①A. Over-allocation Over-allocation ②B. Under-allocation Under-allocation ③C. Over-allocation Under-allocation
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
[单项选择]Which of the following most accurately describes the generational effects of fiscal policy()
A. Fiscal stimulus generates economic activity greater than the amount of the stimulus due to the multiplier effect on future generations.
B. Each generation of fiscal policy decisions has unintended effects that require another generation of fiscal policy actions to correct them.
C. Fiscal imbalances must be corrected in the future by increasing taxes or decreasing government spending, and much of the burden will fall on future generations.
[单项选择]The passage can most accurately be described as a discussion concerning
A. the rules and possible causes of entanglement
B. the manner in which entanglement is being applied to computation
C. physicists’ understanding of the nature and uses of entanglement
D. mechanics of error correction
E. limitations of classical physics in describing a strange phenomenon
[单项选择]A derivative is most accurately defined as a financial instrument that provides:( )
A. an adjustment to another asset’s level of risk.
B. a return based on the return of an underlying asset.
C. an agreement between two parties to provide something for each other.
[单项选择]Set 4
Importance of Vitamins
Vitamins, which come in many different types all of which are quite diverse in chemical configuration and function, can be any of several organic substances that are separated into water-soluble and fat-soluble groups. Originally defined as organic compounds obtainable in a normal diet and capable of maintaining life and promoting growth, vitamins are differrent from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in function, as well as in the quantities in which organisms require them. So critical are vitamins to a body’s essential strength and health that if they are absent from the diet or not properly absorbed by an organism, a specific deficiency disease may develop.
The term vitamin originated from "vitamine," a word first used in the early 19th century to designate

Some people can quite accurately time the end of their night’s sleep at will, without using an alarm clock, demonstrating that it is possible to voluntarily control a state of consciousness that is characterized by a loss of volition and attentional guidance. Here we show that the expectation that sleep will come to an end at a certain time induces a marked increase in the concentration of the hormone adrenocorticotriopin(促肾上腺皮质激素) in the blood one hour before waking. The regulation of adrenocorticotropin release during nocturnal sleep is therefore not confined to daily rhythms; (46)  (47)  Normally, the release of adrenocorticotropin and cortisol(皮质醇)increases during late stages of sleeping, reaching a daily maximum at the time of spontaneous waking. Adrenocorticotropin and cortisol are also released from the pituitary-adrenal system in a major adaptive response to stress, and are secreted in anticipation of stressful events. We investigated whether the increase

[单项选择]In order to more accurately estimate the cost of equity for a company situated in a developing market, an analyst should:()
A. add a country risk premium to the market risk premium when using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).
B. add a country risk premium to the risk-free rate when using the capital asset pricing model.
C. use the yield on the sovereign debt of the developing country instead of the market risk premium when using the capital asset pricing model.
[单项选择]1. Digital Realm
In the digital realm the next big advance will be voice recognition. The rudiments are already here but in primitive form. Ask a computer to "recognize speech," and it is likely to think you want it to "wreck a nice beach." But in a decade or so we’ll be able to chat away and machines will soak it all in. Microchips will be truly embedded in our lives when we can talk to them. Not only to ourcomputers; we’ll also able to chat our automobile navigation systems, telephone consoles, browsers, thermostats, VCRs, microwaves and any other devices we want to boss around.
That will open the way to the next phase of the digital age: artificial intelligence. By our providing so many thoughts and preferences to our machines each day, they’ll accumulate enough information about how we think so that they’ll be able to mimic our minds and act as our agents. Scary, huh But potentially quite useful. At least until they don’t need us anymore and start building even smarter ma
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned


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