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发布时间:2024-07-31 21:41:38

[单项选择]What was Madonna’s reaction to the bad publicity about her private life
A. She was angry.
B. She simply ignored it.
C. She was surprised.

更多"What was Madonna’s reaction to the "的相关试题:

[单项选择]What bad deeds would he not do! The possible meaning of the sentence is:()
A. He has never done bad deeds.
B. He has done many bad deeds.
C. He will do good deeds.
D. He won’t do any bad deeds.
[单项选择]What’s the man’s attitude towards what’s happening
A. He’s unwilling to wait in line.
B. He’s satisfied with the purchase.
C. It’s worthwhile to queue for tickets.
D. He’s impatient with the ticket sellers.

W:What’s the matter Your bike is in bad shape.
M: It was hit by a car yesterday.
W: Good God! Were you hurt
M: I’m all right.I was not riding it then.
W: Oh.good for you!But what happened
M: I was in a hurry yesterday and I put the bike at the back of a car.
W: The driver didn’t see it and…
M: And the bike was run over by the car.Both its wheels were damaged.They are being repaired now.
W: It was lucky that you didn’t get hurt.
M: Yeah.But it’s a pity I can’t ride my bike this weekend.
W: Oh.Did you have a weekend plan
M: Yeah.I planned to go sightseeing with friends by bike.
W: Well.you can use mine if you’d like to.
M: Thank you very much.

What happened to the man’s bike ( )
A. It was damaged by him.
B. It was damaged by a car.
C. It was wasted.
[填空题]"What’s wrong with you" said the doctor.
"What’s ( ) with you" said the doctor.

M: Jane is in a bad mood today. What’s wrong with her
W: Her boyfriend stopped dating her because he has another girlfriend.

What happened to Jane()
A. She lost her temper.
B. Her boyfriend no longer loves her out.
C. She no longer likes her boyfriend.
D. She was moved by her boyfriend.
How Swearing Works

We all know what "bad words" are. Unlike most other language rules, we learn about swearwords and how to use them without any real study or classroom instruction. Even very young children know which words are naughty, although they don’t always know exactly what those words mean.
But swearwords aren’t quite as simple as they seem. They’re paradoxical-saying them is taboo in nearly every culture, but instead of avoiding them as with other taboos, people use them. Most associate swearing with being angry or frustrated, but people swear for a number of reasons and in a variety of situations.
Origin and Varieties of Swearwords
Virtually every language in every culture in the world has its own unique swearwords. Even different dialects of the same language can have different expletives. The very first languages probably included swearwords, but since writing evolved after speaking did, there’s no record of who sai
A. Because writing evolved after speaking.
B. Because of the taboos surrounding it.
C. Because of the varieties of swearwords.
D. Because few studies have examined swearing.


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