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发布时间:2024-02-02 20:16:26

[单项选择]A. The woman will drive tonight.
B. The woman don’t like fruit.
C. The woman has given up smoking.
D. The woman is leaving now.

更多"A. The woman will drive tonight. B"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Woman: I don’t think we should have told Tom about the surprise party for Lucy.
Man: It’s all right. He promised not to tell, and he doesn’t make promises lightly.
Question: What does the man mean()。
A. Tom has arranged a surprise party for Lucy.
B. Tom will keep the surprise party a secret.
C. Tom and Lucy have no secrets from each other.
D. Tom didn’t make any promise to Lucy.
[单项选择]She is such an irritation woman. I don’t known how you can __________ her.
A. put up
B. put up with
C. stand up with
D. stand with
[单项选择]Woman: I don’t know how Shawn feels after I turned down his business proposal.
Man: He’s cool with it.
Question: What does the man mean
A. Shawn feels hurt.
B. Shawn doesn’t mind it.
C. Shawn is a calm person.
D. Shawn knows nothing about it.
[单项选择]Woman: I don’t imagine you have any interest in attending that lecture on drawing, do you
Man: Oh, yes, I do. Now that you reminded me of it.
Question: What do we learn about the man from the conversation( ).
A. He’ll give a lecture on drawing.
B. He doesn’t mind if the woman goes to the lecture.
C. He’d rather not go to the lecture.
D. He’s going to attend the lecture.
[单项选择]Woman: I don’t agree with Mr. Johnson on his views about social welfare. He seems to suggest that the poor are robbing the rich.
Man: He might have used better words to express his ideas. But I find what he said makes a lot of sense.
Question: What does the man mean( ).
A. Mr. Johnson’s ideas are nonsense.
B. He quite agrees with Mr. Johnson’s views.
C. Mr. Johnson is good at expressing his ideas.
D. He shares the woman’s views on social welfare.

Woman: I don’t like riding buses.
Man: (1)
Woman: They are seldom on time. (2)
Man: Don’t they clean the bus every night
Woman: (3) , but with too many passengers on them, they can’t be very clean.
Man: You should bring some wipes with you.
Woman: That’s a good idea.
Man: Then you can wipe your seat and window.
Woman: People will think I’m strange.
Man: Who cares (4)
Woman: That’s for sure.
Man: Don’t worry about what people think.

1( ).
A. I think they do
B. Why not
C. Besides seats and windows are dirty.
D. Everyone is strange.

Man: My car is dirty.
Woman: Why don’t you wash it
Man: (1)
Woman: Are you going to wash it yourself
Man: Of course. (2)
Woman: I’ll help you.
Man: Okay, I’ll get a bucket.
Woman: (3)
Man: Then we can scrub it with a wet sponge and soap.
Woman: (4) we can dry it with a towel.
Man: Then it will look like a new car.
Woman: And you save $10.

1( ).
A. After that,
B. It’s not a hard job.
C. That’s what I’m going to do.
D. I’ll rinse the car first.
[单项选择]What will the woman do
A. Drive the man to the airport.
B. Go to work at the airport.
C. Take a plane.

Woman: Well, we don’t have to clock off for coffee breaks, we usually just go and get a coffee when we need it, but we do have to clock off for lunch.
Man: What about overtime
Woman: Well, overtime’s paid. And you can take free time instead.

What did they talk about( ).
A. regulations
B. strategy
C. salary

A woman will feel depressed if her aches don’t get better with treatment.

Woman: If you don’t like it, you don’t have to take it.
Man: Thanks, but I like it.

What will the man probably do ()
A. He’ll take it because he likes it.
B. He’ll take it even though he doesn’t like it.
C. He won’t take it because he doesn’t like it.
D. He won’t take it even though he likes it.


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