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发布时间:2024-08-01 03:22:06

[填空题]Employers advertise for people with 1-5 years experience because they don’t need more experienced employees.

更多"Employers advertise for people with"的相关试题:

[填空题]Employers advertise for people with 1-5 years experience because they don’t need more experienced employees.

[填空题]Research shows employers appreciate young people who have lived outside ______ .
[单项选择]Tom: Employers complain that people graduating from high school too often lack the vocational skills required for full-time employment. Therefore, since these skills are best acquired on the job, we should require high school students to work at part-time jobs so that they acquire the skills needed for today’s job market.
Mary: There are already too few part-time jobs for students who want to work, and simply requiring students to work will not create jobs for them.
Which one of the following most accurately describes how Mary’s response is related to Tom’s argument
A. It analyzes an undesirable result of undertaking the course of action that Tom recommends.
B. It argues that Tom has mistaken an unavoidable trend for an avoidable one.
C. It provides information that is inconsistent with an explicitly stated premise in Tom’s argument.
D. It presents a consideration that undercuts an assumption on which Tom’s argument depends.
E. (E) It defends an alternative solution to the problem that Tom describes.
[简答题](Last line , Para. 4, Passage 3)
People’ s expectations of themselves must be realistic. Living on the impossible leads to a sense of inadequacy.

[填空题]Employers can benefit from having two people performing the same job.

[填空题]Employers are far less likely to employ people with mental illnesses than those with physical ailments(疾病), a report shows.
Just 20% of those with severe mental health problems have jobs, compared with 65% who have physical problems. The government is launching an initiative urging employers to improve conditions for people with a mental health problem. A spokesman for the Confederation of British Industry said the majority of businesses offered staff support.
It is estimated one in four people will suffer a mental illness at some point in their lives. And even for those with more common types of mental illness, such as depression, only about half are competitively employed. However, up to 90% of people with mental health problems want to work, compared to 52% of disabled people generally.
The voluntary standards, launched to coincide with World Mental Health Day, will also be used by public sector organizations, including local councils, government departments and
[单项选择]Conversation One
A. Most people prefer to advertise on weekends.
B. More people pay more attention to ads on weekends.
C. Newspaper ad department is busier on weekends.
D. Advertisements on weekends look more interesting.
For years and years people have been saying that the railways arc dead. "We can do without railways," people say, as if motorcars and planes have made the railways unnecessary. We all keep hearing that trains are slow, that they lose money, and that they are dying. But this is far from the truth. In those days of expensive oil, the railways have become highly competitive with motorcars and planes. If you want to carry people or goods from place to place, they are cheaper than planes. And they have much in common with planes. A plane goes in a straight line and so does a railway. What is more, it takes from the heart of a city into the heart of another. It doesn’t leave you as a plane does, miles and miles from the city center. It doesn’t hold you up as a car does, in endless traffic jams. And a single train can carry goods which a plane or motorca
A. planes and motorcars have taken the place of trains
B. oil is expensive today
C. trains are super fast
D. railways earn a large amount of money


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