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发布时间:2023-10-10 15:02:51

[填空题]Some people think that nuclear war would mean the end of ______ (civil).

更多"Some people think that nuclear war "的相关试题:

[填空题]Some people think that nuclear war would mean the end of ______ (civil).
[单项选择]The mere fact () most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. why
[填空题]A child would think that his father was doing something very meaningful.
[单项选择]Which do you think would be the best title for the passage
A. Accidents and Anxiety
B. How Accidents Are Caused
C. Human Factors in Accidents
D. How to Prevent Accidents on Roads and in Factories
[单项选择]Why would some listeners stay on the line
A. To hear the menu again
B. To be transferred to an operator
C. To connect their Internet service
D. To complain about a mechanical fault
[单项选择]In the past centuries, Italian children would sometimes even be given wine to drink in preference to water which was often polluted.
A. 过了几个世纪,在水经常被污染的情况下,意大利孩子有时会喝加了葡萄酒的水。
B. 过了几个世纪,意大利的孩子们有时甚至以喝葡萄酒代替常常是受过污染的水。
C. 在过去的几个世纪,意大利人有时甚至给孩子们葡萄酒喝以代替常常是被污染了的水。
D. 过了几个世纪,常常是因为污染的原因,意大利孩子有时会饮用加了葡萄酒的水。
E. 在过去的几个世纪,意大利人有时甚至宁愿给孩子们喝葡萄酒而不是喝常受污染的水。
[单项选择]Embarrassed, I nodded, trying to think of some way to()my error
A. make do with
B. make up for
C. go in for
D. go along with
[单项选择]Where did the woman think they would meet
A. Atthe check-in.
B. On the plane.
C. At the departure gate.
D. In front ofthe building.
[填空题]Patrick Kelly:
Just think what would happen in this city if everyone who usually drives a car decided to use mass transportation and appeared on the nearest street corner. The city would have to provide almost 4,000 additional sixty passenger buses to carry these people to their jobs. When the city is ready to promise the citizens that these buses will be there, at that corner, at that time, and take them to where they are going on time, then we will be ready to discuss limitations on the use of automobiles.
Joseph Award
We are wasting our time and good money by asking scientists to solve the problem of air pollution. They are blaming cars and motorists. Nonsense! It is the smoke from factories that is ruining our air. I believe that these so-called scientists should try working in a factory from midnight to 8 a. m., and maybe they would discover something that would surprise them. If the scientists could use their knowledge to dir
[单项选择]Why did everybody in the village think Mark would die
A. He was seriously ill.
B. He was badly wounded.
C. Doctors would do nothing for him.


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