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发布时间:2023-10-11 07:20:56

[填空题]The government official said that the new tax rates would come into ______ (effective) from April.

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[填空题]The government official said that the new tax rates would come into ______ (effective) from April.
[填空题]The government official can hardly find sufficient grounds on which to base his arguments in ______(赞成修改税法).
[单项选择]The government official explained that there’s no point ______ about the cultural gap in that city.
A. to worry
B. with them worrying
C. in worrying
D. worry
[填空题]To our surprise, the government official who had often been praised for his honesty ______ (竟然是个贪官).
[单项选择]A. He was an authorized government official.
B. He was the owner of the Eiffel Tower.
C. The public did not like the tower at all.
D. The tower had originally been planned to be removed.
[单项选择]The new tax would force companies to ( ) energy-saving measures.
A. adopt
B. adjust
C. adapt
D. accept
[单项选择]A. To save money
B. To avoid the new tax.
C. To be more creative.
D. To attract more audiences.
[单项选择]The chairman of the company said that new techniques had_______improved their production efficiency.
A. violently
B. severely
C. extremely
D. radically

According to official government records, in Greenland the suicide rate (suicides per 1,000 people) was seventeen times greater in 1987 than in 1960. Because Greenland changed from a hunting and fishing society to an industrial society between 1960 and 1987, the dramatic increase in suicide must be a result of this societal change.
Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the conclusion drawn above()

A. The change from a hunting and fishing society to an industrial society sometimes causes a dramatic increase in a society’s crime rate
B. Even in a hunting and fishing society, some proportion of the society’s members will choose to commit suicide
C. According to official government records, most of those who committed suicide in Greenland in 1987 were male
D. The life expectancy of Greenland’s inhabitants was not much greater in i987 than it was in 1960, before the societal change occurred
E. In 1987 most suicides that occurred in Greenland were reported as suicides to the appropriate government office, whereas in 1960 most were not
[填空题]The official bank of the French government began issuing paper money in _______.

[填空题]The Section said it is lowering the rate on savings bonds to bring it ______ other market interest rates.


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