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发布时间:2023-12-24 04:39:14

{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

To get a chocolate out of a box demands a considerable amount of unpacking: the box has to be taken out of its paper bag; the plastic wrapper has to be torn off, the lid opened and the packing paper inside removed; the chocolate itself then has to be unwrapped from its own piece of paper. Similarly a pot of face cream comes surrounded by layers of paper, wedged inside a cardboard box, and the whole thing wrapped tightly in plastic. It is not only luxuries which are wrapped in this way. With so many goods now produced centrally and sold in supermarkets it is becoming increasingly difficult to buy anything from nails to potatoes that is not already done up in plastic or paper. The wrapper itself is of no interest to the shopper, who usually throws it away immediately. Useless wrapping accounts for much of the
A. he is not careful enough
B. it adds to the weight
C. it is difficult for him to handle
D. it is of no importance to him

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{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

To get a chocolate out of a box demands a considerable amount of unpacking: the box has to be taken out of its paper bag; the plastic wrapper has to be torn off, the lid opened and the packing paper inside removed; the chocolate itself then has to be unwrapped from its own piece of paper. Similarly a pot of face cream comes surrounded by layers of paper, wedged inside a cardboard box, and the whole thing wrapped tightly in plastic. It is not only luxuries which are wrapped in this way. With so many goods now produced centrally and sold in supermarkets it is becoming increasingly difficult to buy anything from nails to potatoes that is not already done up in plastic or paper. The wrapper itself is of no interest to the shopper, who usually throws it away immediately. Useless wrapping accounts for much of the
A. squeezed into
B. slide into
C. covered by
D. decorated with
[单项选择]Text 4
It is hard to get any agreement on the precise meaning of the term "social class" In everyday life, people tend to have a different approach to those they consider their equals from that which they assume with people they consider higher or lower than themselves in the social scale. The criteria we use to place a new acquaintance, however, are a complex mixture of factors. Dress, way of speaking, area of residence in a given city or province, education and manners all play a part.
In the eighteenth-century one of the first modern economists, Adam Smith, thought that the "whole annual produce of the land and labor of every country’ provided revenue to "three different orders of people: Those who live by rent, those who live by wages, those who live by profit" . Each successive stage of the industrial revolution, however, made the soci
A. Mainly by their way of speaking.
B. According to the place where they were born.
C. By regarding them inferior to ourselves.
D. According to a complex mixture of factors.
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

The romantic image of the trusty postman, delivering letters to the farthest-flung corners of the land, makes the reform of postal services a sensitive subject. This is especially true when the impetus for reform comes from the European Union. This month the European Parliament starts work on a directive, drawn up by the European Commission, to remove the last monopolies in postal markets by 2009--the final stage in a slow and laborious liberalisation that began in 1992. Directives in 1997 and 2002 chipped away at the centuries-old monopolies enjoyed by national operators, and the proposed new law will open the whole market to competition by abolishing the "reserved area" on mail weighing less than 50 grams. But although the legislative wheels are in motion, some countries are as sceptical as ever.
A. appealed,
B. repealed.
C. aggravated.
D. consolidated.
[单项选择]Text 3 Daffodils bloom and chocolate eggs melt as the long Easter weekend draws near. Alongside such pleasures is another, equally seasonal: the annual outpouring from the teaching unions’ conferences, whose massed pedagogues can always be relied on to provide a few news stories to delight the headline writers. Guaranteed are lamentations about parents and pupils, both inferior to those of yesteryear in various, not always consistent, ways. Fairly standard attempts to blame the raw materials rather than inadequate workmen, but these moans are given a ready hearing because they confirm the fears of many readers (and not a few editors) that the nation’s moral fibre is in shreds. Also lapped up are the crazy conference motions, such as the proposal in 2007 for a curriculum based on fancy "skills" rather than fusty "knowledge". Union activists in most walks of life are well to the left of those they represent, and teaching-union loyalists are no exception. But such storie
A. they produce delightful news stories about teachers and students.
B. they coincide with the coming of the spring and Easter holiday.
C. teachers’ quality has become a consistent public concern.
D. teachers’ complaints are in agreement with the public fear of moral decline.
[填空题]Everyone who loves chocolate knows that to get a chocolate out of a box demands a considerable amount of unpacking: the box has to be taken out of its paper bag; the plastic wrapper has to be torn off, the lid opened and the packing paper inside removed; the chocolate itself then has to be unwrapped from its own piece of paper. Similarly a pot of face cream comes surrounded by layers of paper, wedged (挤进) inside a cardboard box, and the whole thing wrapped tightly in plastic. It is not only luxuries which are wrapped in this way.
With so many goods now produced centrally and sold in supermarkets it is becoming increasingly difficult to buy anything from nails to potatoes that is not already done up in plastic or paper. The wrapper itself is of no interest to the shopper, who usually throws it away immediately. Useless wrapping accounts for much of the 31 pounds in weight of rubbish put out by the average London household each week. So why is it done Some of it, like the wrappin


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