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发布时间:2024-01-20 05:39:04

[单项选择]Life is more enjoyable to people ______ are open to new ideas.
A. whose B. whom
C. who D. which

更多"Life is more enjoyable to people __"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Some people have a more complicated sensory life than others. Most taste tuna only when they eat it. A few, though, taste it when they hear a particular word, such as "castanet". Others link the color red with the letter "S" or make some other inappropriate connection between stimulus and response. Such people are known as synaesthetes, and the phenomenon of synaesthesia has puzzled brain scientists since it was recognized over a century ago.
Most researchers in the field suspect synaesthesia is caused by crossed wires in synaesthetes’ brains, but until recently they have had no way to check this hypothesis. However, the development of a technique called diffusion-tensor imaging has changed that. And researchers at the University of Amsterdam have just applied it to the brains of 18 women (the sex more likely to experience synaesthesia) who have the most common form of the condition. This is called grapheme-color synaesthesia. It is a tendency to see letters and numbers in color.<
[单项选择]Not only do these high tech systems make life more relaxing, but they also do so at no extra cost of time or energy. Every one of these features is designed to be the most convenient to any lifestyle. If a person’s favorite TV show is on the same night as the party of the year, then the mart house has already prepared to record it. The wired home can also save people from taking that extra trip to the grocery store by taking inventory of what is needed and making up a shopping list and ordering the food. A smart house can be controlled through a wall-mounted keyboard, a tele-command or even by voice. E-mail or voice mail can be checked from any TV or computer screen in the house because all screens are designed to be interchangeable and multipurpose.
A smart house cannot be controlled
A. through a computer keyboard.
B. through a tele-command.
C. by voice.C. through a big keyboard on the wall.
[简答题]{{B}} ·Your company wants to create a more open attitude towards internal information. ·You have been asked to write a report about what information should be available to staff and the implication of the new policy. · Write 200--250 words on your Answer Sheet.{{/B}}
[填空题]In a world where it gets more and more difficult to move or surprise readers who are (1) or wearied by their (2) to images of violence, conflict and strife, writers have a more difficult task if they want to shake us (3) of complacency. Knopf is a publisher (4) for producing exciting first novels, but first-time authors are often obsessed (5) finding new ways of (6) under our increasingly thick skin. Sometimes, (7) , the most outrageousincidents in contemporary fiction read like gimmicks a game of "guess the shocking secret".
Anne-Marie MacDonald’s wonderful novel, Fall on Your Knees, not only avoids the (8) of first novels, it has created a voice which pierces the (9) of cynicism that surrounds us. Yes, it is often shocking with its insistence (10) stark images, but it is also a sensitive (11) of comedic, tragic and, surprisingly, romantic stories. What ultima


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