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发布时间:2024-06-14 22:54:37

[填空题]The decisions of script and actors are determined by ______________.

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[填空题]The decisions of script and actors are determined by ______________.
[填空题]Who makes decisions for the company

[单项选择]From the headlines about Hollywood actors performing on the London stage, it would be easy to conclude that the relationship was one way—in short, that American film stars stream over to the West End to give its box office a boost. If truth be told, the flow is two way and has been so for quite a while. What has changed of late, however, is the pace of the exchange. The recent headlines about American stars taking over the London stage obscures a much more symbiotic relationship between Broadway and the West End that’s rooted as much in an exchange of ideas and material as in talent alone.
Barry Weissler, a producer and winner of five Tony awards for revivals such as "Fiddler on the Roof" and "Chicago", believes the relationship continues to flourish because of the contrasting acting traditions on either side of the Atlantic. "We give London more open, spontaneous and gutsy acting, while the United Kingdom gives us more disciplined and artistically trained actors. "
The excha
A. There is a one-way relationship between Broadway and West End.
B. American film actors go to the West end to get more profits by performing.
C. The relationship between Broadway and West End is in exchange of talents.
D. There is a two-way relationship between Broadway and West En
[判断题]Many decisions that result from capital budgeting decisions are irreversible.

How the Accountants Influence the Decisions

Accountants in industry are often asked to evaluate projects.In the recording industry this ususlly means working out the effect on comjpany profits of the fine print in a recording contrace.Many people think it must be straightforward,but,like many publishing contracts,the devil lies in the detail.
(9) .There is a high level of front-end investment in trying to“break” (popularise)an artist which usually comprises a non-returnable advance on royalties,recording costs,promotional costs and tour support costs which sometimes even extend to large“buy-on”fees to support major artists on big tours;i.e.they pay to play.
Usuallv the first dePartment involved in a decision to sign an artist is the A&R (artistes and repertoire)department.Sometimes unfairly labeled the Urn & Ah department.they play a vital role in identifying potential stars.About 95%of the artists don’t make the grade. (10)

Consumers and producers obviously make decisions that mold the economy, but there is a third major element to consider the role of government. Government has a powerful effect on the economy in at least four ways:
Direct Services. The postal system, for example, is a federal system serving the entire nation, as is the large and complex military establishment. Conversely, the construction and maintenance of most highways is the responsibility of the individual states, and the public educational systems, despite a large funding role by the federal government, are primarily paid for by county or city governments. Police and fire protection and sanitation services are also the responsibilities of local government.
Regulation and Control. The government regulates and controls private enterprise in many ways, for the purpose of assuring that business serves the best interests of the people as a whole. Regulation is necessary in areas where private enterprise is granted
A. the American products may get an upper hand in competing with certain foreign goods
B. the American consumers can buy more cheap foreign-made products
C. the import volume of US may increase greatly
D. the domestic inflation can be eliminated


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