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发布时间:2023-09-27 17:34:59

[填空题]Everyone knows that human language can be a superb means
of communication. Therefore, it can be damnably misleading (1)
a barrier to people’s understanding with each other, and never (2)
more so than when names given for the ease of classification (3)
are taken to mean more than they do. If, for instance, they say
that this man is white and that man coloured, we say no more
than truth as long as we understand that we are speaking only of
the colour of the skin. We can also make neutral and honest comments (4)
such as that "A" is above average height, has little than the average (5)
intelligence, is red-haired, is born in the north, and is left-handed.
The danger raises when we find other men who are white or coloured, (6)
who are tall, stupid, red-haired, northerners, or sinister.

更多"Everyone knows that human language "的相关试题:

[填空题]Everyone knows that human language can be a superb means
of communication. Therefore, it can be damnably misleading (1)
a barrier to people’s understanding with each other, and never (2)
more so than when names given for the ease of classification (3)
are taken to mean more than they do. If, for instance, they say
that this man is white and that man coloured, we say no more
than truth as long as we understand that we are speaking only of
the colour of the skin. We can also make neutral and honest comments (4)
such as that "A" is above average height, has little than the average (5)
intelligence, is red-haired, is born in the north, and is left-handed.
The danger raises when we find other men who are white or coloured, (6)
who are tall, stupid, red-haired, northerners, or sinister.
[单项选择] Memory Class Stan Field knows what age can do to a person’’s memory, and he’’s not taking any chances with his. He chooses his food carefully and gets plenty of exercise. He also avoids stress, coca cola and cigarette smoke. What’’s more, at breakfast each morning, the 69-year-old chemical engineer swallows a plateful of pills in the hope of boosting his brain power. Michelle Amove is less than half Field’’s age, but no less concerned about her memory. While working round the clock to finish a degree in film studies, the 33-year-old New Yorker had the alarming sensation that she had stopped retaining anything. "I couldn’’t even remember names," she says. "I thought, Oh, no, I’’m over 30. It’’s all downhill from here. " Besides loading up on supplements, Amove signed up for a memory enhancing course at New York’’s Mount Siani Medical Center. And when she got there, she found herself surrounded by people who were just as worried as she was.
A. Food only.
B. Nothing.
C. Food and pills.
D. A plateful of pills only.


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