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发布时间:2024-01-21 19:21:13


W: What are you going to have, Mark
M: I’m not sure. The roast duck, maybe.
W: It’s a bit expensive.
M: Mm, yes, it is, isn’t it Well, in that case I think I’ll have the beef.
W: Perhaps I will try the chicken and apple pie.
M: What wine shall we have
W: None for me. I’m going to have beer.
M: Beer But the beer’s awful in this place.
W: Really Then I’ll have ... er ... orange juice.

Where does the conversation most probably take place ()
A. At the woman’s home.
B. In a supermarket.
C. In a restaurant.
D. At the railway station.

更多"[听力原文]9-10 W: What are you going "的相关试题:


W: What are you going to have, Mark
M: I’m not sure. The roast duck, maybe.
W: It’s a bit expensive.
M: Mm, yes, it is, isn’t it Well, in that case I think I’ll have the beef.
W: Perhaps I will try the chicken and apple pie.
M: What wine shall we have
W: None for me. I’m going to have beer.
M: Beer But the beer’s awful in this place.
W: Really Then I’ll have ... er ... orange juice.

What drink would the woman like to have ()
A. Wine.
B. orange juice.
C. Beer.
D. Black coffe

M: What are you going to do after your return from New York
W: I’m going to stay in the city.
M: What will you do all day
W: I’ m going to work with my father at the workshop. In the evening, I’ll read books. On weekends, I’Il go to the park with my family.
M: Have you ever worked
W: No, but I can learn. What are you going to do this summer
M: I’ m going to camp. I’ ve gone to camp for four summers.
W: I’ve never gone to camp. What do you do there
M: We do many things. In the morning, we go swimming and boating. In the afternoon, we play volleyball or tennis. We sit around a campfire at night. We sing or tell stories.
W: That sounds wonderful.
M: It is wonderful. What’s Wales going to do this summer
W: I think he’s going to the mountains with his parents.
M: Well, so long, Alice. Have fun.
W: You too
A. Friends.
B. Colleagues.
C. Boss and staff.
D. Husband and wife.


M: What are you going to do this weekend, Alice
W: I’m going to the cinema with some friends. Are you coming with us

What is Alice going to do ()
A. Stay at home.
B. Meet some friends.
C. Go to the movie.
D. Give a performanc

M: What are you going to do about the factory
W: Considering that production has gone down so much and for so long, we’ll probably have to close it.

What has happened in the factory ()
A. It has been closed.
B. The production has increased for a long time.
C. The production has decreased for a long time.
D. It has been reopene

M: Well. Mrs, Brown, what are you going to take
W: I’m going to buy some bananas.

What is the woman going to do()
A. Sell some bananas.
B. Buy some bananas.
C. Get some vegetables.
D. Prepare some bananas.

M: Have you decided where you are going to live when you are married
W: I want to live in the city near my work place.

Where does the woman want to live ()
A. In the city near the Central Park.
B. Not live in the city.
C. In the city near her work place.
D. Living in the country.

W: Have you difficulty with pronunciation, Louis
M: No, I haven’t much difficulty with the pronunciation; I can pronounce English quite well, but I can’t spell most of the words right.

What is the problem with his English()
A. Her English is quite good.
B. Her pronunciation is very bad.
C. Her spelling is very bad.
D. Her spelling is very goo

M: Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet
W: Almost. I got a kite for my son, But I can’t seem to find anything for my mum.

What are the man and the woman talking about ()
A. Christmas tree.
B. Christmas dinner.
C. Christmas gifts.
D. Christmas party.

M: What about going to the market
W: Sorry, I’d like to go to the cinema.

What does the woman mean ()
A. She would like to see a film.
B. She would like to buy something.
C. She would like to dance.
D. She would like to sing a song.

M: Have you ever tasted such perfect pizza
W: Even my grandmother can’t make this!

What does the woman mean ()
A. Her grandmother would like some pizza.
B. Her grandmother made better pizzas.
C. This is very good pizza.
D. This is too much pizza.

M: Have you heard from Jane recently
W: No, I haven’t. I’ve owed her a letter for nearly six weeks. If you don’t give, you don’t receive any, you know.

What do we learn from the woman ()
A. She has been waiting for her friend’s coming.
B. She has kept her friend’s letter for six weeks.
C. She hasn’t written to her friend for six weeks.
D. She owed her friend some money.

W: Have you ever looked really closely at the snowflakes
M: Sure, but they usually melt too fast for me to get a close look. Why do you ask
W: I’m just curious. I was reading an article about the formation of snowflakes, and I realized that I had never paid much attention to them before.
M: Well, there is a big variety, isn’t there
W: Yeah, but they all have one of the three basic forms: hexagonal columns, thin hexagonal plates and the branching star-shaped form.
M: I wonder why the forms are different, maybe because ice starts to form on dust particles with different shapes.
W: Well, I thought it might have something to do with the water saturation of the air. But we’re both wrong. The author of this article did extensive research and concluded that the shape of snow crystals is largely controlled by the temperature of the air. For example, the feathery star-shaped
A. The shape of the dust particles in the air.
B. The relative humidity.
C. The temperature of the air.
D. The geography of the area.


W: Have you heard whether Jack is coming back today
M: He was supposed to arrive next week, but he is coming back the day after tomorrow.

When will Jack arrive()
A. Tomorrow.
B. Next week.
C. Today.
D. The day after tomorrow.


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