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发布时间:2023-11-19 05:51:43

[填空题]I first consider (telephone)()him, but then I decided to go and to speak to him in person.

更多"I first consider (telephone)()him, "的相关试题:

[填空题]I first consider (telephone)()him, but then I decided to go and to speak to him in person.
[填空题]I first consider (telephone) ______ him, but then I decided to go and to speak to him in person.
[单项选择]I first met him in a small lumbertown. I was sitting in front of the hotel watching people pass by. It was a warm day. Now and then, a group of laughing rivermen marched by.
One group especially caught my eye. They wore bright red shirts and heavy boots. Suddenly, one of them came up to me. " Say, Mister," he said. " You look mighty interested. Are we your long lost friends"
His voice was friendly enough but he seemed ready for any answer ... trouble, if I wanted it, or help if I needed it.
"Can you tell me where all these people are going"
He pushed his little cap further back on his head. "Biding match!" he said. "Come on !"
I joined him and we followed the crowd to the river. There, we saw six men running toward the river with their peaveys. They used the round metal hooks on the end of the peaveys to push a heavy log into the water. Then one of the men took a long leap and landed on the end of the log. The force of his jump pushed the log out into the middl
A. A riverman in a small lumbertown.
B. Jimmy Powers.
C. Darrell.
D. The boss of the lumber mill.
[单项选择]Who first taught him German
A. His parents.
B. His grandfather.
C. His teacher.
D. His foreign friends.
[填空题]I saw him act for the first time last night he was quite ______ (impress).
[单项选择]As the Tailhook sexual-assault scandal drove him into early retirement from the Navy, Admiral Frank Kelso last week sought to overhaul his image. The Navy’s top officer claimed that during his nearly four years at the helm, he had helped rid the service of its tolerance for abusive attitudes toward women. If anyone treats women as did the drunken, groping aviators at the Tailhook convention two and half years ago, Kelso blustered at a press conference, "they’re not going to be in this man’s Navy."
In fact, his legacy is a Navy still straining to accommodate women, homosexuals and members of racial minorities. At the same time, the Navy’s reputation has been battered by the investigations into Tailhook and cheating by midshipmen at the Naval Academy in Annapolis. Some naval officers and military experts note that the Navy’s recent problems have come under a series of chiefs — from James Watkins in 1982 to Carlisle Trost in 1986 to Kelso — who arose from the aloof and secretive su
A. he was involved in a sexual-assault scandal.
B. a sexual-assault scandal was revealed in his navy.
C. he held an abusive attitude toward women at the Tailhook convention.
D. he allowed homosexuals in his navy.
[填空题]At first I thought I understood what he said, but the more I thought about it, _________________.(我就越觉得糊涂).

[单项选择]The only candidate ______ can hope to defeat him is quit now.
A. who
B. which
C. that
D. when
[填空题]Even if I had met him,I wouldn’’t have told him about our plan.


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