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发布时间:2024-02-17 05:55:10


For Chinese wanting to work as nurses in the United State, the arrival of the test of the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing School (CGFNS) may be a welcome move.
The CGFNS has a certification programme for people wanting to work as registered nurses in the US. The first CGFNS test in China is to be held in Beijing in July. Registrations are open till April 9. According to US labour law, nurses have to pass the National Council License Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) before they can practise. However, the NCLEX-RN is only useful in the US, making it difficult for people from other countries to get in. But the US expects a shortage of 50,000 nurses by 2010. So the CGFNS has not replaced the NCLEX-RN, which is still needed for work as a registered nurse in the US.
So what exactly does CGFNS do
First of all, it helps international nurses qualify for a work visa for the US. Nurses educated abroad who do not have a US license by the NCLEX-R
A. nowhere but in the US
B. somewhere outside the US
C. in every country but the US
D. both in China and the US

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For Chinese wanting to work as nurses in the United State, the arrival of the test of the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing School (CGFNS) may be a welcome move.
The CGFNS has a certification programme for people wanting to work as registered nurses in the US. The first CGFNS test in China is to be held in Beijing in July. Registrations are open till April 9. According to US labour law, nurses have to pass the National Council License Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) before they can practise. However, the NCLEX-RN is only useful in the US, making it difficult for people from other countries to get in. But the US expects a shortage of 50,000 nurses by 2010. So the CGFNS has not replaced the NCLEX-RN, which is still needed for work as a registered nurse in the US.
So what exactly does CGFNS do
First of all, it helps international nurses qualify for a work visa for the US. Nurses educated abroad who do not have a US license by the NCLEX-R

[单项选择]Work is a very important part of life in the United States. When the early Protestant immigrants came to this country, they brought the idea that work was the way to God and heaven. This attitude, the Protestant Work Ethic, still influences America today. Work is not only important for economic benefits, the salary, but also for social and psychological needs, the feeling of doing something for the good of the society. Americans spend most of their lives working, being productive. For most Americans, their work defines them: they are what they do. What happens then, when a person can no longer work Almost all Americans stop working at the age of sixty-five or seventy and retire. Because work is such an important part of life in this culture, retirement can be very difficult. Retirees often feel that they are useless and unproductive. Of course, some people are happy to retire; but leaving one’s job, whatever it is, is a difficult change, even for those who look forward to retiring. Man
A. religion
B. economy
C. psychology
D. family
[填空题]After work the Chinese usually go out drinking to have a rest.

[填空题](work)_______as a team, the foreign and Chinese engineers cooperated closely and successfully.
[单项选择]Passage Two
Telephone books in the United States have white, blue and yellow pages. The white pages list people with phones by last name, the blue pages contain numbers of city services, government agencies and public schools. Businesses and professional (专业的) services are listed in a special section, the yellow pages. To make a long-distance call, you need an area code. Each area in the U. S. has an area code. The area covered by one area code may be small or large. For example, New York City has one area code, but so does the whole state of Oregon. If you want to know the area code of a place, you can look it up in the area code map, which is printed in the front of the white pages.
There are a lot of publlic telephones in the US. They have their own numbers. If you are making a long-distance call on a pubic telephone and run out of money
A. In the blue pages.
B. In the white pages.
C. In the yellow pages.
D. In a special section.
[单项选择]The children () by the nurses.
A. take good care of
B. are taken good care
C. are taken good care of
[单项选择] Nurses The physicians in a hospital form the core of the medical staff. But they could not provide effective medical care to their patients without the help of numerous other medical workers. From the angle of the patients, the nursing staff is particularly important. Nurses are usually in close contact with patients as long as they are in the hospital. A nurse does not study for as many years as a doctor. However, each must be equally trained. Caring for sick persons requires a great deal of patience and concern. Most nurses work long days, and they often must work at odd hours or during the night. The nursing staff in a hospital is usually quite large and various. Nursing services, after all, must be provided on a 24-hour basis. There are professional (专业的) nurses, practical nurses, nurses aids, and orderlies (勤杂工). The general term nurse refers to a person trained to offer bedside care to sick persons. Under the supervision (管理)
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned


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