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发布时间:2023-12-16 19:47:36


M: Mary, have you seen Helen this term Isn’t she teaching in this school
W: No, she’s fired.

Why doesn’ t Helen teach here ()
A. Because she is ill.
B. Because she lost her job.
C. Because she is not a teacher.
D. Because she gets another job.

更多"[听力原文] M: Mary, have you seen Hel"的相关试题:


M: Mary, have you seen Helen this term Isn’t she teaching in this school
W: No, she’s fired.

Why doesn’t Helen teach here ()
A. Because she is ill.
B. Because she lost her job.
C. Because she is not a teacher.
D. Because she gets another job.

M: Mary, have you seen Helen this term Isn’t she teaching in this school
W: No, she’s fired.

Why doesn’t Helen teach here ()
A. Because she is ill.
B. Because she lost her job.
C. Because she is not a teacher.
D. Because she gets another job.

M: Susan, have you seen Jane this term Was not she teaching here
W: No, she’ s fired.

Why did not Jane teach here ()
A. She’s tired of teaching.
B. She was dismissed from her job.
C. She’s changed jobs.
D. The school is too hot.

W: Have you seen anyone in the assembly room this morning I hope I’m not late for the meeting.
M: Why not check your timetable again As far as I know, there is no meeting held today.
Q: What does the man imply about the woman ()

A. Her timetable is wrong.
B. She is late for the meeting.
C. She should get her timetable changed.
D. She misremembered the time of the meeting.

M: Have you seen Lee recently
W: He must be home by now. I saw him leave on his bike half an hour ago.

Where did the woman think Lee is ()
A. On his bike.
B. On the grass.
C. Near the pool.
D. At home.

M: Have you seen my brother
W: No, I haven’t seen him since the day before yesterday.

When did she last see the man’s brother ()
A. Yesterday.
B. Two days ago.
C. Three days ago.
D. Early last week.

W: Have you ever seen a lion
M: Only on TV.

What does the man mean()
A. He only watches TV.
B. There are some lions on top of the TV.
C. He saw a lion on TV.
D. There was a TV in his room.

M: Of the two houses we have seen, which one do you think fits our needs better, the first one or the second one
W: The second one. It seems very expensive. But in the long run it will save us the money on the maintenance.

What does the woman say about the reason for her choice ()
A. The first house they saw is too expensive.
B. She is happy with the price set by the seller.
C. They may save some money for the time being.
D. Less money will be spent in maintaining the house.

M: I have never seen such an interesting show. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
W: I must admit that I felt sleepy during the two hours.

How did the woman feel about the show ()
A. Enjoyable.
B. Inspiring.
C. Moving.
D. Dull.

M: Have you decided where you are going to live when you are married
W: I want to live in the city near my work place.

Where does the woman want to live ()
A. In the city near the Central Park.
B. Not live in the city.
C. In the city near her work place.
D. Living in the country.
[简答题]{{B}}Tell me about a film you have seen. You should say: what the title of the film was and where you saw it what the story (plot) involves whether you have seen other films by the same director and explain how you feel about this film.{{/B}} You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Woman: I haven’t seen you for ages! Where have you been
Man: Actually, I have been doing research recently. I have to stay in the lab almost all the time. I’m happy to tell you that the work is successful.

Which of the following statements, is false according to the dialogue ()
A. He is doing research.
B. He works long hours in the lab.
C. He is making progress.
D. He was unhappy until recently.

W: Have you difficulty with pronunciation, Louis
M: No, I haven’t much difficulty with the pronunciation; I can pronounce English quite well, but I can’t spell most of the words right.

What is the problem with his English()
A. Her English is quite good.
B. Her pronunciation is very bad.
C. Her spelling is very bad.
D. Her spelling is very goo

W: Hi, Richard, I haven’t seen you for a few weeks.
M: Hi, Susan, I’ve been studying a lot for my final exams.

Why hasn’t Susan seen Richard lately()
A. He was visiting his uncle.
B. He went on a trip.
C. He moves to another city.
D. He’s been studyin

M: Hello. I haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you
W: Fine. Thanks.
M: Tomorrow is my birthday. I would like to invite you and your family to my birthday party. Our teacher Mr. Wang in University will come also.
W: Thank you very much. When will it begin
M: At 6:30 pm.
W: Oh. Let me see. I get off work at 5:30 every day and then spend about 35 minutes on meeting my husband and my daughter, We shall cost about 45 minutes to go to your home. Is that all right
M: Yes, of course.
W: OK. See you tomorrow.
M: See you then.

What can be the relationship between the man and the woman()
A. Classmates.
B. Cousins.
C. Colleagues.


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