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发布时间:2023-11-11 07:22:08

[填空题]Ce matin je suis allé voir Li à l’h pital. Il (venir)______ de passer une nuit blanche, car il (subir)une opération.

更多"Ce matin je suis allé voir Li à l’h"的相关试题:

[填空题] Ce matin je suis allé voir Li à l’h pital. Il (venir)______ de passer une nuit blanche, car il (subir)une opération. Vient avait subi
[填空题]Nous irons voir ce film _____ le sujet nous intéresse beaucoup.
[单项选择]Il a fait ______ de ne pas avoir entendu ce que je lui ai dit.
A. semblant
B. feindre
C. affecter
D. simuler
[填空题]Je peux trouver dans ce magasin tout ce ________ il me faut.
[单项选择]Many experts now believe that even if all space littering were to stop completely, the number of stray objects would continue to increase for centuries. The reason : debris is now so dense that objects will continue to crash into each other, creating even more objects, expanding the rubbish cloud geometrically. "We’ve been saying for years that these things are going to happen," says Nicholas Johnson, head of NASA’s Orbital Debris Program Office. "Until they happen, it’s hard to get people’s interest. "
What seems to best describe Nicholas Johnson’s attitude towards what has happened
A. He is happy that people are starting to pay attention to the problem.
B. He is critical that people have not paid enough attention to the problem.
C. He is objective when commenting on the problem of cosmic junk.
D. He is supportive to what people have done to deal with the problem.

The most exciting question of all is "Does life exist beyond the earth" In recent years the trend has been toward the hypothesis (假设) that life is probably a normal phenomenon wherever the conditions are fight, with the added qualification that proper conditions are not necessarily only those of the earth. It was long held, for example, that life on the planet Jupiter (木星) is impossible because of its extreme cold, crushing gravity (重力) and poisonous atmosphere. But there is evidence that the giant planet is warmer below the outer, cold layers than was first thought. The combination of gases in its atmosphere could produce organic (有机的) or preorganic (有机生物的) molecules. Since no one really knows all combinations of conditions under which life can evoke (产生), it is best to be conservative (保守的) about denying the existence of life on any planet.

Life on the planet Jupiter is a possibility which ( ).
A. does not exist
B. should not be ruled out
C. excites all scientists
D. has never been explored
[单项选择]There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in()with its surroundings.
A. coincidence
B. harmony
C. uniform
D. alliance
[填空题]Je resterai ici _______ ce qu’il revienne.
[填空题]Depuis ce matin ______ maintenant, je n’ai pas quitté la maison un seul instant.

I’ve lived in Hexham all my life. As a matter of fact, I was born in this house. People never used to move away from their hometown. They were born in place, and they lived there until they died. My husband died ten years ago. We had seventy wonderful years together. We were very much alike. Both of us loved a good conversation. People used to talk to each other more in the past. Now they watch TV. Yes, 1 have lived-- for a hundred years. As for my secret of long life, well; I laugh a lot. Laughing is very important. I get a lot of exercise, too. I’ve always enjoyed .,’ports. I have always-- liked swimming. In fact, I still swim every day at the high school pool, and I have started running a little with my grandson.

What is the secret of the woman’s long life
She()a lot.


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