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发布时间:2024-05-24 18:54:20

[填空题]Biological control entails using synthetic chemicals to try and change the genetic make-up of the pests’ offspring.

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[单项选择]Biometric access-control systems—those using fingerprints, voiceprints, etc., to regulate admittance to restricted areas—work by degrees of similarity, not by identity. After all, even the same finger will rarely leave exactly identical prints. Such systems can be adjusted to minimize refuels of access to legitimate access-seekers. Such adjustments, however, increase the likelihood of admitting impostors.
Which of the following conclusions is most strongly supported by the information above
A. If a biometric access-control system were made to work by identity, it would not produce any correct admittance decisions.
B. If a biometric access-control system reliably prevents impostors from being admitted, it will sometimes turn away legitimate access-seekers.
C. Biometric access-control systems are appropriate only in situations in which admittance of impostors is less of a problem than is mistaken refusal of access.
D. Nonbiometric access-control systems—based, for example, on numerical codes—are less likely than biometric ones to admit impostors.
E. (E) Anyone choosing an access-control system should base the choice solely on the ratio of false refuels to false admittances.
[单项选择]More has been learned since 1945 about the chemical changes in the body than in all human history before ()time.
A. in
B. that
C. which
D. the

The vapor problem was mainly caused by the chemical containments from the ground- water out of the company.
[单项选择]The space shuttle program entails the use of sophisticated technology.()
A. enhances
B. develops
C. creates
D. involves

[A] As a science, management entails the use of organized knowledge. Many of the things managers do are a result of information obtained through formal research and study. One area in which a great deal has been done is quantitative decision making or, as it is known today, management science. We know that by using certain mathematical formulas we can control inventory and project demand more accurately than by merely using trial and error.
[B] Management is the process of getting things done through people. We know that part of this process is carried out with the development of an organization structure.
[C] Yet management is also an art. Through experience the manager develops judgment and intuition, subjective factors that are useful in evaluation situations. For example, the manager may have to choose between two strategies, A and B, All research and study may indicate that neither of the two is any better than the other
[D] Effective management is a


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