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发布时间:2024-08-01 02:23:21

[填空题]i The influence of Monbusho
ii Helping less successful students
iii The success of compulsory education
iv Research findings concerning achievements in maths
v The typical format of a maths lesson
vi Comparative expenditure on maths education
vii Background to middle-years education in Japan
viii The key to Japanese successes in maths education
ix The role of homework correction

Everyone has their own copy of the textbook supplied by the central education authority, Monbusho, as part of the concept of free compulsory education up to the age of 15.
Besides approving textbooks, Monbusho also decides the highly centralized national curriculum and how it is to be delivered.

更多"i The influence of Monbusho "的相关试题:

[填空题]i The influence of Monbusho
ii Helping less successful students
iii The success of compulsory education
iv Research findings concerning achievements in maths
v The typical format of a maths lesson
vi Comparative expenditure on maths education
vii Background to middle-years education in Japan
viii The key to Japanese successes in maths education
ix The role of homework correction

Lower secondary schools in Japan cover three school years, from the seventh grade (age 13) to the ninth grade (age 15).

W: I wonder ii I could borrow your dictionary
M: You certainly could if I had one, but I lost my old one yesterday and I haven’t bought a new one yet.

What did the man say about his dictionary()
A. He has bought a new one.
B. He lost his old one and borrowed a new one.
C. He didn’t have any dictionary them
[单项选择]A: I think tourism is a great way of helping the economies of developing countries.
B: ( ).
A. Yes, I agree. I myself like nothing better than travel.
B. Maybe. Can you explain the advantage of developing tourism
C. Well, in my opinion, the governments of developing countries should create more job opportunities for their people.
D. Yes, it is. Without tourism, those countries would be much worse off.
[填空题]I has decided to devote (me) ( ) to helping blind people.
[填空题]i Disobeying FAA regulations
ii Aviation disaster prompts action
iii Two coincidental developments
iv Setting altitude zones
V An oversimplified view
vi Controlling pilots’licences
vii Defining airspace categories
viii Setting rules to weather conditions
ix Taking off safely
X First steps towards ATC

An accident that occurred in the skies over the Grand Canyon in 1956 resulted in the establishment of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to regulate and oversee the operation of aircraft in the skies over the United States, which were becoming quite congested.
[填空题]I have decided to devote (me)()to helping blind people.
[填空题]I has decided to devote (me)()to helping blind people.
  • A. I appreciate your helping me.
  • B. Now that you’ve asked me, I think it’s too short.
  • C. If I were you, I’d write about my education first.
  • D. If you don’t think it’s any good, please say so.
  • E. I’d better tear up the letter and start all over again.
  • F. But, unless I miss my guess, you should say something about your family, too.
  • G. Just make a few changes, I think, and it will be perfect.
  • H. You are welcome.
    A: Jack, would you please read the letter of application I’ve just written. (56) I really want to get the job.
    B: It looks fine to me. But I have one suggestion.
    A: Good ! I’m interested in your advice.
    B: (57) You’d better include more information about your work experience.
    A: Good idea, Jack. What do you think about the second part
    B: (58)
    A: You’re right. I’ll change it. How do you feel about the last part of the letter
    B: Very good. (59)
    A: I agree. <


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