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发布时间:2023-11-23 21:34:42

[单项选择]Human memories are quite complicated beyond our imagination. We remember some things better than other things. For example, November 22, 1963 is etched (铭刻) into the minds of nearly every English-speaking person over 40. It was, of course, the day that President Kennedy was shot. The fact that so many people can remember that moment demonstrates what a world-shattering one it was. But in the long run, it may be that what it demonstrates about the workings of the human train is more important. After all, why should we remember what we were doing when we heard of the assassination We take it for granted that our memories work this way.
Some people have the ability to reproduce things perfectly through what is known as an eidetic memory. These are the people who can glance at a newspaper and retain a ’snapshot’ memory of it. This sort of memory is quite different from the imprint that most of us would make. Try closing your eyes and bringing to mind a scene you know well—the pattern
A. remembering what something looks like
B. remembering where you have put something
C. remembering something that you have done
D. remembering that you have to do something

更多"Human memories are quite complicate"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Human memories are quite complicated beyond our imagination. We remember some things better than other things. For example, November 22, 1963 is etched (铭刻) into the minds of nearly every English-speaking person over 40. It was, of course, the day that President Kennedy was shot. The fact that so many people can remember that moment demonstrates what a world-shattering one it was. But in the long run, it may be that what it demonstrates about the workings of the human train is more important. After all, why should we remember what we were doing when we heard of the assassination We take it for granted that our memories work this way.
Some people have the ability to reproduce things perfectly through what is known as an eidetic memory. These are the people who can glance at a newspaper and retain a ’snapshot’ memory of it. This sort of memory is quite different from the imprint that most of us would make. Try closing your eyes and bringing to mind a scene you know well—the pattern
A. It is difficult to remember your actions on a day a long time ago.
B. They weren’t affected personally by the assassination.
C. It was such an important event for the world as a whole.
D. They probably weren’t doing anything unusual that day.
[填空题]On the upper slopes of the Himalayas, the human immune system does not function well, ______ (因此伤口、感染不易治疗).
[填空题]Human psychology decides that our maximum bid should be _______________ more than that of the rival bidder.

[单项选择]Due to circumstances beyond our control, the conference will be postponed.
A. The conference will take place as planned.
B. The conference will not take place.
C. The conference will take place at a later dat
[填空题]The document is quite beyond me as there are too many new words in it. (with) ____________________.

One theory of human evolution is that our ancestors were semi-aquatic apes. They spent much time in water that they lost their body hair, which makes swimming difficult. Daedalus points out that in fact, water is a deadly environment for human beings—not by drowning; but by chilling. Our alleged aquatic ancestors should have grown even thicker, longer fur to minimize heat transfer. Indeed, in a maritime accident, it is worth putting on all the clothes you can find; you will live that much longer in the water. As for swimming—forget it. It stirs away all the body heat it generates
Sadly, many sea disasters happen so suddenly that there is no time to look for spare clothes. So Daedalus is devising a nautical uniform which reacts with water to form an ideal survival garment. His first inspiration was the absorptive acrylate polymer used in bandages, and babies’ nappy. It can take up hundreds of times its weight of water, expanding into soft jellylike stuff
A. he has too thick clothes on
B. he can not swim
C. he does not have waterproof clothes
D. he loses too much of body heat in the water

[填空题]Our society structure affects all human relationships. Outside the home we have a system of power relationship: worker/employer, individual/state, etc., and most people feel particularly powerless if their specific situations are beyond their control. The resultant stresses need outlets.
There are many different outlets. Many of us are inclined at least sometimes to take out our frustration (挫折) on people nearest to us. The kind of destructive outlet that a woman uses may be physical-either against her husband or children-but more often, it is directed towards her children who cannot walk out. Commonly, women turn violent feelings inwards: twice as many women as men suffer from depression (抑郁症). Women are the most vulnerable (脆弱的) to depression. As far as men are concerned, they have been brought up to use their fists-and even encouraged to do so. So a man’s outlet can, in its extreme form, involve physical violence against his wife and family. Many women have no way to escape:


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