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发布时间:2023-10-24 06:13:17

[单项选择]The shop-assistant asked John what______.
[A] did he want [B] he wanted [C] he wants

更多"The shop-assistant asked John what_"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The shop-assistant asked John what______.
[A] did he want [B] he wanted [C] he wants
[单项选择]The visitor asked John ______.
A. where was the park
B. where the park is
C. where the park was
[单项选择]The shop-assistant asked John what______.
[A] did he want [B] he wanted [C] he wants
[单项选择]What did John buy
A. A book.
B. A shirt.
C. A tie.
Why did John look worried
[填空题]Why did John say sorry to the shopkeeper John said sorry to the shopkeeper because he forgot to ______ .
[单项选择]How did John spend last Sunday
A. He went to the park.
B. He went to the doctor.
C. He stayed at hom

Why did John get a ticket
A. He got a one-way plane ticket.
B. He went the wrong direction.
C. He made an improper turn.
D. He slowed down at the wrong time.
[单项选择]How did John Adams make his living
A. He trained soldiers.
B. He was a smith.
C. He was a silversmith.
D. He was a politician.
[单项选择]What did Mary ask John to do
[填空题]When asked such a difficult question, little John ______ (想不出答案案).

[单项选择]When did you()see John
A. last
B. lastly
C. late
D. lately
[单项选择]Why did John apologize to Ms. Jones
A. Because he was late again.
B. Because he did not inform her earlier about his resignation.
C. Because he said something rude to her.
D. Because he made a serious mistake.
[单项选择]What qualities did John Warnock and Chuck Geschek appreciate in Bruce Chizen
A. He was from the eastern part of US.
B. He is willing to try new ideas.
C. He is good at experiment.
[填空题]When did John give his friend a cigarette

W: John, did you hear about the second-hand car that Mike bought
M: Yes, and Tom said that they got a very good deal on it.

What do we learn from the conversation()
A. Mike got a bargain.
B. John bought a new car.
C. Mike bought a new car.
D. Mike is a car agent.


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