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发布时间:2023-10-26 23:33:44

[填空题]I hope my teacher______(考虑到我最近生过病) when judging my examination.

更多"I hope my teacher______(考虑到我最近生过病) "的相关试题:

[填空题]I hope my teacher______(考虑到我最近生过病) when judging my examination.
[填空题]I hope my teacher ______ (考虑到我最后生过病) when judging my examination.

A. 易回答原则
B. 中性原则
C. 一事一问原则
D. 具体化原则
E. 迂回原则
[单项选择]When I was 13 my mother died. Through my own sorrow I was aware of the great loss this was to Pop. But he made only one reference to his own misery. He said, "To be happy every day is to be not happy at all." He was saying to his sons that happiness is not a state you achieve and keep, but something that must be won over and over, no matter what the defeats and losses.
Later that year I got a job as an entertainer in small clubs, and suddenly I knew this was the career I had been searching for. The world of the theater was far removed from the world of my father, yet I found myself returning to him time and again, for the same reason his friends did.
When I was 20 I got what every actor dreams of—a permanent job! At that time, at the depth of the depression, actors were out of work by the hundreds, yet I wanted to quit that job because I needed new experiences and challenges.
Pop heard me out, then said, "There are some people who always have to test themselves, to stret
A. one should not be happy every day
B. it is impossible for one to be happy every day
C. people should not pursue happy life alone
D. people should have a realistic attitude toward life
[单项选择]When can I take my winter vacation ()
A. It’s too hot in June.
B. In East Europe.
C. In the countryside.
D. After December 24.
[单项选择]I was extremely exasperated when I saw that my room was littered with wood shavings.
A. startled
B. exalted
C. rapturous
D. irritated
[单项选择]Music to My Ears
When other shad doubts, my father believed in me. As a boy growing up in Shenyang, China, I practiced the piano six hours a day. I loved the instrument. My mother, Xiulan Zhou, taught me to read notes, and my father, Guoren Lang, concertmaster of a local folk orchestra, showed mc how to control the keys. At first I played on Chinese keyboards-cheap, but the best we could afford. Later my parents bought me a Swedish piano, but I broke half the strings on it playing Tchaikovsky (柴可夫斯基). That’s when my parents and my teacher decided I was too much for such an instrument—and for our hometown. To be a serious musician, I would have to move to Beijing, one of our cultural capitals. I was just eight years old then.
My father, who played the erhu, a two-stringed instrument, knew that life wouldn’t be easy. Millions of pianists in China were competing for fame. "You need fortune," my father said. "If you don’t work, no fortune comes." "But music is still mu
A. He sent his father a special gift.
B. He invited his father to play a duet at his Carnegie Hall solo debut.
C. He took his father to Hawaii for sightseeing.
D. He helped his father find a job in America.


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