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发布时间:2023-11-06 03:54:38

[单项选择]Wang Fang lives in school while ______ all live at home.
[A] another
[B] the other
[C] the others

更多"Wang Fang lives in school while ___"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Wang Fang lives in school while ______ all live at home.
A. another
B. the other
C. the others
[单项选择]Mr. Wang gave all the textbooks to all the students, except ______ who had already taken them.
A. these
B. that
C. the ones
D. the others
[判断题]Wang prefers to live with an English family.
[单项选择]Bees are insects. They live all over the world except where it is very cold . Bees do not like ice and snow. They are the only insects that make food that you and I can eat. We eat their honey and also use their wax for making things.
Bees live in a hive. They live in hundreds of little rooms made of wax. It is in these rooms that the queen bee lays her eggs. As each egg hatches out it becomes a larva. This larva lives in a room and is fed by other bees. Every bee does a job without being told. Some make wax, others fan the hive to keep it cool. Then there are the bees that fetch nectar from the flowers. The nectar is turned into honey inside the bee that puts it into room as food for the larva or gives it to another bee. The queen bee is larger than the other bees. There is only one queen in a hive. If other queens are born, they are killed. While she keeps laying eggs, she is looked after by the worker bees.
Bees are insects, which you can find all over the world.
A. Right
Bee (蜜蜂)

Bee are insects (昆虫). They live all over the world except where it is very cold. Bees do not like ice and snow. They are the only insects that make food that you and I can eat. We eat their honey (蜜) and also use their wax (蜡) for making things.
Bees live in a hive (蜂房). They live in hundreds of little rooms made of wax. It is in these rooms that the queen bee lays her eggs. As each egg hatches (孵) out it becomes a larva (幼虫). This larva lives in a room and is fed by other bees. Every bee does a job without being told. Some make wax, others fan (扇) the hive to keep it cool. Then there are the bees that fetch nectar (花蜜) from the flowers. The nectar is turned into honey inside the bee that puts it into room as food for the larva or gives it to another bee. The queen bee is larger than the other bees. There is only one queen in a hive. If other queens are born, they are killed. While she keeps laying eggs, she is looked after by the wor
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say


[填空题]While (live) ______ in the UK, a driving license issued in your country only remains valid for up to 12 months.

While ATMs have added some convenience to our lives, a few risks have also popped up (发生). To stay out of trouble, you should follow these steps:
Look Around Before You Approach

Take a quick look at your surroundings. See if anybody or anything looks suspicious. Is anybody watching you or standing too close
Use ATMs That You’re Familiar With

If you know an area well and have used an ATM before, you can expect similar results. In other words, your chances of getting robbed at a "familiar" ATM are less than your chances of getting robbed at a "new" ATM.
Have Your Card Ready While Approaching the ATM

If you’re quick, your chances are better. On the other hand, you’re exposing yourself unnecessarily if you stand around the ATM digging through your wallet or purse for that special card. Get it out before you leave your car or as you’re


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