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发布时间:2023-10-22 12:11:44

[单项选择]Which vaginal infection doesn’t require treatment for sexual partners()
A. Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
B. Candida albicans.
C. Trichomonas vaginalis.
D. Chlamydia trachomatis.

更多"Which vaginal infection doesn’t req"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which days doesn’t the man’s son workIn which department does Bill work now
A. engineering
B. sales
C. customer service
[单项选择]Which days doesn’t the man’s son workWhich department has a vacancy at the moment
A. personnel
B. sales
C. marketing
[单项选择]Which days doesn’t the man’s son workWhich days doesn’t the man’s son work
A. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
B. Saturday and Sunday
C. Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday
[单项选择]Which days doesn’t the man’s son workWhen will Mr. Ross receive the new printer
A. today
B. the day after tomorrow
C. next week
[单项选择]Which days doesn’t the man’s son workWho does Mr.Lee work for now
A. Gold Dragon Oil
B. the PTI
C. the government
[单项选择]There is a range of activities which require movements of about one to four or five miles. These might be leisure activities, such as moving from home to swimming pool, tennis club, the theater or other cultural centers, or to a secondary or more advanced school, or they might be movements associated with work and shopping in the central areas of cities.The use of cars capable of carrying five people at 80 mph for satislying these needs is wasteful of space and most productive of disturbance to other road users.
The use of the bicycle, or some more modem derivative of it.is probably worth more consideration than has recently been given to it.The bicycle itself is a remarkably efficient and simple device for using human muscular energy for transportation.In pure energy terms, it is four to five times as efficient as walking, even though human walking itself is twice as efficient as the movement of effective animals such as dogs or gulls.It is still widely used, not only in some dev
A. can satisfy the demand for speed
B. causes waste of space
C. produces disturbance to other road users
D. is far from perfect for short range movements
[单项选择]it doesn’t require too much learning for us to judge that one will usually be punished whenever he breaks the law that all others obey.()
A. 违法必究,像这样的判断,我们不需要学习多少东西就能做出。
B. 我们不用太多的学习也可以判断,一个人不管什么时候违反法律,而别人都遵守时,他通常要受到惩罚。
C. 不需要太多的学问就能知道,不管什么时候,只要违反了人人遵守的法律,通常会受到处罚。
D. 不能要求我们都能学习很多的知识,但我们可以判断,只要违反了法律,就通常要受到大家的惩罚。
[单项选择]It doesn’t require too much learning for us to judge that one will usually be punished whenever he breaks the law that all others obey()
A. 违法必究,像这样的判断,我们不需要学习多少东西就能做出。
B. 我们不用太多的学习也可以判断,一个人不管什么时候违反法律,而别人都遵守时,他通常要受到惩罚。
C. 不需要太多的学问就能知道,不管什么时候,只要违反了人人遵守的法律,通常会受到处罚。
D. 不能要求我们都能学习很多的知识,但我们可以判断,只要违反了法律,就通常要受到大家的惩罚。
[填空题]It doesn’’t require to o much learning for us to judge that one will usually be punished whenever he breaks the law that all others obey.
[单项选择]Which of the following would require real-time processing______
A. Playing a computer game
B. Executing a program that predicts the state of economy
C. Printing labels
D. Listening the music
[单项选择]Which days doesn’t the man’s son workHow many people will they interview in total
A. 100
B. 300
C. 500
[单项选择]Which of the following sentences doesn’t express POSSIBILITY()
A. The river could easily overflow.
B. Even an illiterate person would understand that.
C. They might be able to remember what he said.
D. It may be useful for two students who want to learn about publishing.
[单项选择]Which of the following italicized parts DOESN’T indicate reason
A. Something fell in, for I heard a splash.
B. Much as I love sports, I prefer to stay at home on Sunday.
C. He saw her, as they were both getting on the bus.
D. Now that I’m here, I’d better stay.
[单项选择]Which one of the following doesn’ t mention in the conversation()
A. He had worked out a good title for his book.
B. He made a list of characters.
C. He had finished half of the novel.
D. He had designed the front cover.
[单项选择]This doesn’t mean that wind and solar, which currently provide less than 1 percent of the world’s primary energy, will replace fossil fuels, which provide 82 percent. In fact, while companies like BP and Shell are cutting back on commercial projects in wind and solar, Big Oil is taking a closer look at how they might be used to increase efficiency internally, or to flee up increasingly profitable fossil fuels, like natural gas, for commercial sale. For example. Valero is building windmills to power refineries, and Chevron is using solar power to make steam to extract tough-to-reach oil. When you consider that the top 15 oil and gas companies have a market capitalization of $1.9 trillion, it’s clear that these firms themselves have the potential to be major renewable customers.
Big oil is thinking of using wind and solar
A. to free up fossil fuels for commercial sale.
B. to replace fossil fuels for commercial sale.
C. to increase efficiency of fossil fuels use.
D. to reduce harm to the environment.
[填空题]The dictionary doesn’t tell you which (mean) ______ is intended.


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