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发布时间:2023-10-03 03:30:11

[单项选择]We found that bar at last. I didn’t have to ask again, for there it was in big red neon letters over the window--Star Bar. There were some iron tables outside with plastic chairs around them. A few people sat around, looking at a portable television set that someone had brought out of the bar. They were all in thin summer dresses or short shirts; even at that late hour it was stifling. Two thin dogs lay under one of the tables with their tongues out, and some of the women were fanning them-selves unenthusiastically (无精打采地) with magazines.
"He’s not here," I said, after a quick look around. The television was speaking out an advertisement for a detergent (洗衣粉) , and the people sitting round had their eyes glued to the picture of a woman proudly showing how white her husband’s underwear was after having been washed. They took no notice of us at ail.
"Well, what did you expect " replied Fergus, yawning (打呵欠)." It’s only half past nine; and he said he would be here at
A. had never been to that bar before
B. did not know if they had come to the right place
C. asked somebody the name of the bar
D. had little difficulty in finding the bar

更多"We found that bar at last. I didn’t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We found that bar at last. I didn’t have to ask again, for there it was in big red neon letters over the window--Star Bar. There were some iron tables outside with plastic chairs around them. A few people sat around, looking at a portable television set that someone had brought out of the bar. They were all in thin summer dresses or short shirts; even at that late hour it was stifling. Two thin dogs lay under one of the tables with their tongues out, and some of the women were fanning them-selves unenthusiastically (无精打采地) with magazines.
"He’s not here," I said, after a quick look around. The television was speaking out an advertisement for a detergent (洗衣粉) , and the people sitting round had their eyes glued to the picture of a woman proudly showing how white her husband’s underwear was after having been washed. They took no notice of us at ail.
"Well, what did you expect" replied Fergus, yawning (打呵欠)." It’s only half past nine; and he said he would be here at nine.
A. had never been to that bar before
B. did not know if they had come to the right place
C. asked somebody the name of the bar
D. had little difficulty in finding the bar
[简答题]We have done things we ought not to have done and ____________(应该做的事情却没有做).

[单项选择]We have done things we ought to have undone and () undone things we ought to have done.
A. leaving
B. left
C. will leave
D. leave
[填空题]We have chosen what we believe to be the five most spectacular natural wonders—those that are the biggest, longest or most impressive of their kind. These natural wonders inspire awe (敬畏) in everyone who views them.
Mt. Everest
Mt. Everest, which is located at the border between China and Nepal, is the world’s highest mountain. It measures 29,035 feet. And the mountain is still growing! Geological forces push it up a few millimeters each year.
Grand Canyon
Visitors to the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona admire its breathtaking colors, rock formations and cliffs. No picture can adequately capture its beauty. The canyon is 277 miles long and from 4 to 18 miles wide.
Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef extends 1,200 miles along Australia’s northeast coast through the Coral Sea. It is the largest coral formation in the world and is visible from space! Actually, it is not one ree


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