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发布时间:2024-02-02 19:02:51

[单项选择]________ shows a lack of interest in animal control.
A. Chicago
B. New York City
C. Friends of Animals, Inc
D. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

更多"________ shows a lack of interest i"的相关试题:

[单项选择]________ shows a lack of interest in animal control.
A. Chicago
B. New York City
C. Friends of Animals, Inc
D. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
[单项选择]The subscriber shows interest in the following EXCEPT ().
A. poetry
B. fiction
C. biography
D. history
[单项选择]The man shows interest in the following EXCEPT()
A. poetry
B. fiction
C. biography
D. history
Animal Communication

Briefly, animal communication is any behavior on the part of one animal that has an effect on the current or future behavior of another animal. The most obvious form of communication is vocalization. It plays an essential role in many tasks, from mating rituals to warning of danger; from conveying the location of food sources to social learning. Probably the most striking of these involves warning signals. The survival value of warning other species members of the presence of predators and facilitating their escape is obvious. They can also adopt different tactics to cope with the threat, for example gathering into a group to ward off attack.
Question: Using information from the reading and the lecture, explain how meerkats vary their alarm signal when facing with the attacks from different predators.
Now hear a talk on the same subject.
[单项选择]Some animal behaviorists argue that certain animals can remember past events, anticipate future ones, make plans and choices, and coordinate activities within a group. These scientists, however, are cautious about the extent to which animals can be credited with conscious processing.
Explanations of animal behavior that leave out any sort of consciousness at all and ascribe actions entirely to instinct leave many questions unanswered. One example of such unexplained behavior: Honeybees communicate the sources of nectar to one another by doing a dance in a figure-eight pattern. The orientation of the dance conveys the position of the food relative to the sun’s position in the sky, and the speed of the dance tells how far the food source is from the hive. Most researchers assume that the ability to perform and encode the dance is innate and shows no special intelligence. But in one study, when experimenters kept changing the site of the food source, each time moving the food 25 perc


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