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发布时间:2024-07-05 19:02:48

[单项选择]Employees at the Maroubra plant were ______ that operations would cease in approximately 6 months and that generous retirement packages would be given to all employees.
A. informing
B. informed
C. informative
D. Information

更多"Employees at the Maroubra plant wer"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How may Olympic employees and volunteers were there in 23rd Olympics
A. More than 40,000.
B. 12,000.
C. 103,000.
D. 43,000.
[单项选择]How many Olympic employees and volunteers were at the 23rd Olympic Games
A. 14,300.
B. Approximately 103,000
C. More than 43,000.
[单项选择]What were the critics to Bruce from employees
A. B.He didn’t have a MB
[单项选择]What were the critics to Ford from employees
A. He didn’t have an experience as a CEO.
B. He didn’t have a good technical background.
C. He didn’t have an MB
[判断题]Employees commonly sue firms for product defects or deceptive advertising.

[单项选择]Until recently, women in advertisements were one of three things--an apron, a glamorous dress or a frown. Although that is now changing, many women still feel angry enough to deface offending advertisements with stickers protesting, "This ad degrades women." Why does this sort of advertising exist How can advertisers and ad agencies produce, sometimes, after months of research, advertising that offends the consumer
The Advertising Standards Authority (the body which deals with complaints about print media) is carrying out research into how women feel about the way they are portrayed in advertisements. Its conclusions are likely to be what the advertising industry already knows: although women are often irritated by the way they are seen in ads, few feel strongly enough to complain.
Women are not the only victims of poor and boring stereotypes--in many TV commercials men are seen either as useless, childish oafs (笨蛋,低能儿) who are unable to perform the simplest household t
A. change women’s opinions of themselves.
B. show any understanding of women’s feelings.
C. persuade the public to buy certain products.
D. meet the needs of the advertising industry.
[填空题]Passage 2
A series of experiments were carried out by B. Latane and J. Darley. They studied the reaction of bystanders to emergency situations. Since car accidents, drownings, fires, attempted suicide, and the like arouse feelings of fear and morbid interest, these situations attract large numbers of people who stand fascinated watching the event. Yet, it is a strange aspect of crowd behavior that often nothing is done to help the victim.
(71) Journalists writing of such events often claimed that this kind of behavior is due to apathy, indifference, or lack of concern. To account for any bystander’s decision to act or not to act, the authors of the paper ask us to consider the basic characteristics of an emergency situation.
Emergencies involve threat or harm certainly to the victim and possibly to those who try to help him (or her). The events are highly unusual, different from the normal course of life and also from each other


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