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发布时间:2024-08-24 20:17:26

{{B}}The Gulf War{{/B}}

The Pentagon ordered 16,099 body bags to be shipped to the Persian Gulf to bring home dead Americans. In the end, 15,773 of the bags were not necessary.
The Iraqi army would have needed--what One hundred thousand body bags More No one knows or will ever know. No one has counted the Iraqi corpses(尸体). Many of them were buried in the sand, without ceremony; some have been taken care of by vultures.
That so few soldiers in the coalition died somehow seemed to Americans a vindication. It was even a return of their shining self, of Buffalo Bill, who (E. E. Cummings wrote) could "ride a water smooth-silver stallion and break one two three four five pigeons just like that." The unspoken text was this: the nation had recovered its immunity, its divine favour, or anyway its gift for doing things right. The victory was as satisfying as anything Americans have done together since landing on the moon
A. completely critical
B. neutral
C. completely supportive
D. introspective(自省的)

更多"{{B}}The Gulf War{{/B}} The Penta"的相关试题:

The Gulf War

The Pentagon ordered 16,099 body bags to be shipped to the Persian Gulf to bring home dead Americans. In the end, 15,773 of the bags were not necessary.
The Iraqi army would have needed--what One hundred thousand body bags More No one knows or will ever know. No one has counted the Iraqi corpses(尸体). Many of them were buried in the sand, without ceremony; some have been taken care of by vultures.
That so few soldiers in the coalition died somehow seemed to Americans a vindication. It was even a return of their shining self, of Buffalo Bill, who (E. E. Cummings wrote) could "ride a water smooth-silver stallion and break one two three four five pigeons just like that." The unspoken text was this: the nation had recovered its immunity, its divine favour, or anyway its gift for doing things right. The victory was as satisfying as anything Americans have done together since landing on the moon.
Would it be seemly to have a mo
A. 16,099.
B. 15,773.
C. 226.
D. Over three hundred.
{{B}}The Gulf War{{/B}}

The Pentagon ordered 16,099 body bags to be shipped to the Persian Gulf to bring home dead Americans. In the end, 15,773 of the bags were not necessary.
The Iraqi army would have needed--what One hundred thousand body bags More No one knows or will ever know. No one has counted the Iraqi corpses(尸体). Many of them were buried in the sand, without ceremony; some have been taken care of by vultures.
That so few soldiers in the coalition died somehow seemed to Americans a vindication. It was even a return of their shining self, of Buffalo Bill, who (E. E. Cummings wrote) could "ride a water smooth-silver stallion and break one two three four five pigeons just like that." The unspoken text was this: the nation had recovered its immunity, its divine favour, or anyway its gift for doing things right. The victory was as satisfying as anything Americans have done together since landing on the moon
A. 16,099.
B. 15,773.
C. 226.
D. Over three hundred.
[单项选择]Shortly after the Persian Gulf War, investigators reported that the area, which had been subjected to hundreds of smoky oil fires and deliberate oil spills when regular oil production slowed down during the war displayed less oil contamination than they had witnessed in prewar surveys of the same area. They also reported that the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)—used as a marker of combustion products spewed from oil wells ignited during the war—were also relatively low, comparable to those recorded in the temperate oil-producing areas of the Baltic Sea.
Which one of the following, if true, does most to resolve the apparent discrepancy in the information above
A. Oil contaminants have greater environmental effects in temperate regions than in desert regions.
B. Oil contamination and PAH pollution dissipate more rapidly in temperate regions than in desert regions.
C. Oil contamination and PAH pollution dissipate more rapidly in desert regions than in temperate regions.
D. Peacetime oil production and transport in the Persian Gulf result in high levels of PAHs and massive oil dumping.
E. (E) The Persian Gulf War ended before the oil fires and spills caused as much damage as originally expected.
[填空题]The economic effect of Gulf War was of significance to later wars.

[填空题]In 1991, after the Gulf war, Bush’s()(approve) rating reached 91 percent, the highest level recorded since polling began in the 1930s.
[填空题]In 1991, after the Gulf war, Bush’s ______ (approve) rating reached 91 percent, the highest level recorded since polling began in the 1930s.
{{B}} A = The East and the Gulf Coast
B = The Plains and Highlands of the Interior
C = The Western Mountains and Great Basin
D = The Pacific Coast, Alaska, and Hawaii
· Which part{{/B}}
{{B}} A
The East and the Gulf Coast{{/B}}
The Atlantic Gulf Coastal Plain extends along the east and southeast coasts of the United States from Long Island to the Rio Grande; Cape Cod and the islands off Massachusetts are also part of this region. Although narrow in the north, the Atlantic Coastal Plain widens in the south, merging with the Guff Coastal Plain in Florida. The Atlantic and Gulf coasts are essentially coastlines of submergence, with numerous estuaries, islands and barrier beaches backed by lagoons. The northeast coast has many fine natural harbors, such as those of New York Bay and Chesapeake Bay. A principal feature of the lagoon-lined Gulf Coast is the great


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