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发布时间:2023-12-17 00:31:13

[填空题]If you want to help your daughter give up her drug addiction, you’d better call telephone number of ______ to seek help.

更多"If you want to help your daughter g"的相关试题:

[填空题]If you want to help your daughter give up her drug addiction, you’d better call telephone number of ______ to seek help.

[单项选择]Why does the man want to give her daughter a history book
A. Because she doesn’t know much about history.
B. Because he himself likes history very much.
C. Because she needs the book for a course she is taking.
D. Because history is her favourite subject in college.
[填空题]Why does the daughter want a mature couple Because she needs people to take care of her_________________________.
[单项选择]How did your friend get you to babysit her kids for the weekend, or your sister talk you into hosting the next book club meeting They probably asked when you were anxious about a work project or stressed about making an impending mortgage payment.
Stress, however, isn’t traditionally associated with altruism. When self-discipline wanes, such as when you are hurried, hungry or distracted, you are less likely to be helpful to strangers (if you’re late for an appointment, you’re probably not stopping to help the person who just dropped the contents of his briefcase). That makes intuitive sense: helping someone you are unlikely to ever see again when you feel least in control of your own life isn’t likely to be productive.
Yet such selfishness seems at odds with the need for cooperation in a social species that relies on support from others for survival. So researchers have suspected that this pattern may only hold true for strangers—and that stress and
A. The quality of being optimistic.
B. The pursuit of one’s own welfare.
C. Unselfish concern for the welfare of others. D. Self-punishment to make up for some wrongdoing.
[单项选择]If your friends can help you when you are in trouble, you have______.
[单项选择]Please give her the book if you ______ her.
A. should see
B. will see
C. saw
D. were to
[简答题]So we need your help as well. You’re here because you are already committed to identifying and investing in innovative solutions to persistent global problems. So today, I ask you to join us, to be a part of this solution, an issue that brings together so many of our concerns. Whether you’re passionate about health or the environment or sustainable development or women’s empowerment, this is a project for you, and we need you.

[简答题]You want to help your friend to get a job in a university. Write a letter of recommendation about 120 words including the following in- formation about your friend: 1. education 2. professional experiences 3. leisure activities Don’ t sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use "Wang Lin" instead. You don’ t need to write your address.
[填空题]A good boss can give you strategies to help his employees be brave.

[简答题]Your friend Clare has invited you to her house-warming party this weekend. However, you will be away then. Write her a note politely declining her invitation and expressing your wishes to her.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness.
[填空题]Cheer up, I think I can give you some help.
[单项选择]Please give () your phone number before you leave
A. I    
B. my
C. me   
D. mine
[多项选择]Last week, your friend, Christ, invited you to her house for dinner. You write a note to thank your friend Christ for her invitation.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropirateness.


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