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发布时间:2024-07-31 03:13:13

[简答题]根据下面的提示,以“It is high time we forbade setting off fireworks!”为题写篇短文。 1.燃放烟花爆竹是中国人庆祝春节的传统习俗。它给节日增添了喜庆的气氛。 2.但燃放烟花爆竹也带来很多不良影响。它容易引起火灾,很多人因燃放烟花爆竹而受伤,孩子眼睛炸瞎,手炸断等。它也造成空气、噪声污染。 3.希望政府能采取措施禁止燃放烟花爆竹。 注意: (1)内容应包括以上要点; (2)词数100左右; (3)参考词汇 燃放set off 烟花爆竹flreworks

更多"根据下面的提示,以“It is high time we forbad"的相关试题:

[简答题]根据下面的提示,以“It is high time we forbade setting off fireworks!”为题写篇短文。
燃放set off 烟花爆竹flreworks
[单项选择]It is high time that you()smoking.
A. give up
B. gave up
C. will give up
D. must give up
[单项选择]It might seem a long time off yet but we are steadily moving towards a Community Driving License which will be valid in all member countries of the EEC.(The target date is January 1, 1986.) Mr David Howell will soon be laying draft regulation before Parliament outlining the Government’s thinking.
From the beginning of next year, anyone from an EEC country who comes here to live will be able to exchange his or her driving license for a British one-provided that apply within their first year of residence. The same provisions would apply to British people moving to other EEC countries. The regulations will not affect the present arrangement which enable visitors and new residents from other countries to drive here as ordinary license holders for up to a year on a foreign license.
Mr Howell plans minimum standards for health and driving tests which, lie says, provide a satisfactory basis for the exchange of license. Applicants for British licenses will have to meet the same medic
A. if they apply for a British license immediately
B. when they arrive in the country
C. only if they are new residents
D. provided they are only visitors
[单项选择]It’s high time ( ) about the traffic problems.
A. something was done
B. something is done
C. anything will be done
D. nothing to be done
[单项选择]It’s high time we()to the theater.
A. will go
B. shall go
C. are going to go
D. went
[填空题]It is high time you (start)()working.
[单项选择]A: Would you mind if I had some time off B:______ A: Monday and Tuesday of next week. B: I’’d like to say yes, but it’’s just not possible.
A. I highly recommend it.
B. When exactly
C. No, thank you. I can manage myself.
D. That’s it. Thanks.
[单项选择]It’s high time the government()some measures to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection.
A. will take
B. take
C. took
D. takes
[填空题]Now you have to come down to earth; it’s high time you got to something practical.
[填空题]It is high time that he (go)()to school.
[填空题]It is high time that you (pay)()more attention to your pronunciation.
[单项选择]Don’t you think it’s high time that you stopped to prepare your speech on how to judge a man on his looks
A. 难道你不认为该停下来准备明天关于如何从外表来判断一个人的演讲了吗
B. 难道你不认为你该停下来准备明天关于如何从脸色来审判一个人的讲话了吗
C. 难道你不认为你该停下来去准备明天关于如何以貌取人的演说了吗
D. 难道你不认为到了你该停止准备明天关于不要以貌取人的演讲的时候了吗
[单项选择]"You are very selfish. It’s high time you () that you are not the most important person in the world," Edgar said to his boss angrily.
A. have realized
B. should realize
C. realize
D. realized
[单项选择]Its high time we ______ something to stop road accidents.
A. are doing
B. did
C. will do
D. do
[填空题]It is high time that this argument (put)()an end to.


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