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发布时间:2024-07-31 19:42:24

[单项选择]A. That’ll be great. B. I will.
C. Bus No.2. D. That’s OK.

更多"A. That’ll be great. B."的相关试题:

[填空题]A. I’ ll say I did B. Wonderful
C. Yes, it was D. That’ s a good idea
E. You’ d better buy some fruit and sandwiches
F. What kind of fruit do you like G. How about 6 o’clock in the morning
H. I’ll be there
Jane: How do you like the idea of having a picnic this Saturday
Michael: (56) But where shall we go
Jane: What about going to the Western Hill It’ s quite cool there.
Michael: (57) Shall we invite John and his girlfriend to go with us
Jane: OK. And we can ask them to prepare some drinks.
Michael: What should I do then
Jane: (58) .
Michael: (59)
Jane: I like oranges, watermelons, grapes, and bananas.
Michael: When shall we start off
Jane: (60) We can get there in an hour and a half.
Michael: OK. I’ ll call John and tell him about our plan.

[单项选择]______ the computer is very expensive, I’ll take it.
A. Though B. Because C. That
[单项选择]I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some ______.
A. at last
B. in case
C. once again
D. in time
[填空题]I’ll finish the work as quickly as I can.
I’ll finish the work as quickly as ______.

[填空题]I’ll finish the work as quickly as I can. I’ll finish the work as quickly as ______.
[填空题]I don’t think it’ll rain, but I’ll take an umbrella ______ it does.
A. like B. in case C. unless D. as if

[单项选择]I don’t think she’ll be upset, but I’ll see her in case she is.()
A. 我不认为她会不安,但我还是去看看她,以免她不安。
B. 我认为她不会不安,但万一她不安,我会去看她的。
C. 我认为她不会不安,但以防万一,我还是去看她一下。
D. 虽然我认为她不会不安,但我还是要去看看她,以免她不安。
[填空题]I’ll go there tonight.
I’ll go there ______ .

[填空题]______ some of this juice -- perhaps you’ll like it.
A. Trying B. Try C. To try D. Have tried


M: I’ll carry my books with me. I’ll be there for quite a few weeks.
W: But you might as well have a look at their cities and gardens. You might also learn to speak a bit of their languages. All Dutch are friendly people, but these people I work with, are not.
W: how can
M: They are cold and don’t talk.
W: Friendships feed on each other. Be warm and friendly to people.
M: I’m the least friendly of all people, is that what you are thinking
W: Of course not. I’m just saying what someone has said: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy".
M: I never expect I can be that young. Hum, I’m happy.

What does "friendships feed on each other" mean ()
A. Show people your friendship, and they will show you theirs.
B. Having dinner together with people makes friends.
C. Whether friendship will grow depends all on the persons concerned.
D. The more attention you give to someone, the more quickly your friendship will grow.


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