发布时间:2024-07-31 07:11:47

[单项选择]The Healthcare community was shocked ______ Ricardo Peter’s resignation after only one year as president of Healthcorps.
A. in
B. up
C. of
D. by

更多"The Healthcare community was shocke"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Why is the man shocked
A. They received new merchandise.
B. Mr. Roberts will have a sale.
C. Their competitor is not closing.
D. The ad was in the newspaper.
[单项选择]Lachlan Community Fair
The Lachlan Community Fair wJl TaKe place on Saturday the 19th of October. This is a popular annual event that has been going on for more than 20 ,/ears. The fair is scheduled to begin at 9 am ana finish at 3 pm. It will raise money for important Iocal projects like the new youth center being built on Hadlee Avenue.
As usual, the event will be jam-packed with excitement and fun for the whole family. Visitors will be able Io enjoy their favorite tides again like the Haunted House and the Giant Water Slide. Regular games like the three-legged race and horseshoe throw wil be back this year, along with new ones like e shooting gallery. There will also be a range of familiar food vendors, with coffee, cakes, cookies, candy, French fries, hot dogs and much, much more. Attendees are guaranteed to have a great time!
If you’re interested in finding out more about the fair, contact Juanita Chavez at 213-8099 or email her at juanita@lachlancommunity.com.A. The time and date of the event
B. The location where the fair will be held
C. The purpose of the attraction
D. The contact details of an organizer
[单项选择]Community courts and community justice prevailed in England at the time of the Norman Conquest (1066). The legal system was ritualistic, dependent upon oaths at most stages of litigation, and permeated by both religious and superstitious notions. The proceedings were oral, very personal, and highly confrontative. Juries were unknown. One party publicly "appealed," or accused, the other before the community meeting at which the presence of both was obligatory. To be absent meant risking fines and outlawry. After the preliminary statements of the parties, the court rendered judgment, not on the merits of the issue nor the question of guilt or innocence, but on the manner by which it should be resolved. Judgment in other words preceded trial because it was a decision on what form the trial should take. It might be by compurgation, by ordeal, or, after the Norman Conquest, by battle. Excepting trial by battle, only one party was tried or, more accurately, was put to his "proof." Proof bein
A. considered innocent until proven guilty
B. considered guilty no matter what he did
C. supposed to prove his own innocence
D. given the privilege of presenting his side first
[单项选择]Conversation OneA. Shocked. B. Acceptable. C. Incredible. D. Indifference.
[单项选择]Relief workers were shocked by what they saw.
A. moved
B. touched
C. surprised
D. worried


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