发布时间:2023-11-22 23:14:32

[单项选择]Scientists generally agree that the earth’s climate will warm up over the next 50 to 100 years ______ it has warmed in the 20000 years since the Ice Age.
A. as long as
B. as much as
C. as soon as
D. as well as

更多"Scientists generally agree that the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Scientists generally agree that the earth’s climate will warm up over the next 50 to 100 years ______ it has warmed in the 20000 years since the Ice Age.
A. as long as
B. as much as
C. as soon as
D. as well as
[单项选择]Scientists generally agree that the Earth’s climate will warm up over the next 50 to 100 years ______it has warmed in the 20,000 years since the Ice Age.
A. as long as
B. as much as
C. as soon as
D. as well as
[单项选择]Scientists generally hold that language has been so long in use that the length of time writing is known to cover is______ in comparison.
A. overwhelming
B. uninspiring
C. astounding
D. trifling
[单项选择]Generally scientists enter their field with the goal of doing important new research and accept as their colleagues those with similar motivation. Therefore, when any scientist wins renown as an expounder of science to general audiences, most other scientists conclude that this popularizer should no longer be regarded as a true colleague.
The explanation offered above for the low esteem in which scientific popularizers are held by research scientists assumes that
A. serious scientific research is not a solitary activity, but relies on active cooperation among a group of colleagues.
B. research scientists tend not to regard as colleagues those scientists whose renown they envy.
C. a scientist can become a famous popularizer without having completed any important research.
D. research scientists believe that those who are well known as popularizer of science are not motivated to do important new research.
E. (E) no important new research can be accessible to or accurately assessed by those who are not themselves scientists.
[填空题]Without the sun’s light (warm)______ the earth’s surface, it would be so cold that life could not exist on the earth.

[填空题]S3. If the temperature at the earth’s surface is 20F, the temperature in a coal mine 500 feet below the surface would be _____________________.

[单项选择]Although the Earth’s chemical composition had been studied for years, only toward the end of the nineteenth century ( )as a discipline in its own right.
A. when geochemistry was recognised
B. was geochemistry recognised
C. then recognised geochemistry
D. as geochemistry was recognized
[简答题]Most geologists believe that the earth’s primordial ocean was made of ______ from volcanic eruptions.

[填空题]The Earth’s temperature usually rises half a degree every century.
[单项选择]After observing the Earth’s weather patterns and the 11-year sunspot cycle of the Sun for 36 years, scientists have found that high levels of sunspot activity precede shifts in wind patterns that affect the Earth’s weather. One can conclude that meteorologists will be able to improve their weather forecasts based on this information.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above
A. Weather forecasts are more detailed today than they were 36 years ago.
B. Scientists can establish that sunspot activity directly affects the Earth’s weather.
C. Evidence other than sunspot activity has previously enabled meteorologists to forecast the weather conditions that are predictable on the basis of sunspot activity.
D. Scientists have not determined why the sunspot activity on the Sun follows an 11-year cycle.
E. (E) It has been established that predictable wind patterns yield predictable weather patterns.
[填空题]Earth’s climate would surely become warmer and warmer.

[简答题]As evidence that the Earth’s atmosphere is warming continues to accumulate, scientists are making slow progress toward an answer to the big question raised by the evidence: (89) How much of the warming is due to human activity and how much to natural causes
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (90) the group of scientists widely considered the most authoritative voice on the subject, has already concluded that there is a "discernible human influence" on the global climate. Now the panel is deep into another of its periodic full-scale scientific assessments of global climate change.
(91) Some experts on the problem say the human imprint on climate is becoming clearer, and may even have been the dominant factor in the global warming of recent decades. Not everyone agrees and virtually all experts say that in any case, a reliable estimate of the human imprint’s magnitude still remains some distance off.
A number of influences, both n


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