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发布时间:2024-07-06 01:17:59

[填空题]Why is it safe for visitors to visit the website www.riterute.ca
Because you do not have to expose ______.

更多"Why is it safe for visitors to visi"的相关试题:

[填空题]Why is it safe for visitors to visit the website www.riterute.ca
Because you do not have to expose ______.

[填空题]Why does the website collect its visitors’ information about their accessed pages
It wants to offer better ______ to its visitors.

[单项选择]Why might listeners visit a website
A. To comment on the proposal
B. To see images of the building
C. To learn more about the idea
D. To enter a design contest
[单项选择]Why might listeners visit the website
A. To learn about the item’s design
B. To receive a special offer
C. To search for a list of recipes
D. To find opinions on the product

W: David, I must say sorry to you.
M: Why
W: Do you remember I borrowed several magazines from you last week
M: Yes, I lent you three magazines that day.
W: But today I only can find two of them. I lost one. I’d pay it for you.
M: It doesn’t matter. They are only some old magazines. You don’t return them to me if you can’t find them.
W: But I really sorry for being so careless. I can buy another new magazine for you.
M: No, I don’t want to hear anything like that. Let’s talk about anything else

How many magazines did David lend to the woman ( )
A. Three.
B. Two.
C. One.

M: When did we last visit this place
W: I remember exactly. It was on our fifth wedding anniversary, three years ago.
M: how about swimming at the White Beach again We should relax.
W: Don’t you think it might be a good idea to go there on Friday It will be our eight wedding anniversary.
M: Great idea! It’ll be just like old times.
W: The children will be excited.
M: So will I.

What is the probable relationship between the woman and man ()
A. A couple.
B. Friends.
C. Father and daughter.
D. Mother and son.
[填空题]When will the website collect its visitors’ personal information
When the visitors wish to fill in ______.

[简答题] The key question for any only child is this: why were you an only child 1t’s a key question for at least two reasons. If your parents had wanted several children but could have you only, they are most likely to pour into you all the energy and attention that had been intended for several children. 1 call this the “special jewel ”phenomenon. Only children who are special jewels often arrive when their parents are older - usually in their thirties. These special jewels can become every spoiled and self-centered. On the other hand, you may be an only child because your parents planned for only one and stuck to their plan. Your parents may give you a very strict and well –strutted education to make you "a little adult " .Many only children grow up feeling unhappy because they always had to be such “little adults ”


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