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发布时间:2024-02-06 00:48:02

[单项选择]An important property of a scientific theory is its ability to()further research and further thinking about a particular topic.
A. stimulate
B. renovate
C. arouse
D. advocate

更多"An important property of a scientif"的相关试题:

[单项选择]An important property of a scientific theory is its ability to ______ further research and further thinking about a particular topic.
A. stimulate
B. renovate
C. arouse
D. advocate
[单项选择]One of the important properties of a scientific theory is its ability to()further research and further thinking about a particular topic.
A. invent
B. stimulate
C. renovate
D. advocate
[单项选择]Intellectual property (IP) rights are as important as our rights in castles, cars and corn oil. IP is supposedly intended to encourage inventors and the investment needed to bring their products to the marketplace. In reality, patents (专利权) often restrain invention rather than promote it: companies buy up the patents of potential rivals in order to prevent them from being turned into products. Moreover, the prices charged are often grossly in excess of those required to cover costs and make reasonable profits.
IP rights are beginning to permeate (渗透) every area of scientific endeavor. Even in universities, science and innovation, which have already been paid for out of the public purse, are privatized and resold to the public via patents. The drive to commercialize science has overtaken not only applied research but also "blue-skies (纯理论的) " research, such that even the pure quest for knowledge is overturned by the need for profit.
The fruits of science and innovation have no
A. stimulate creations and help turn them into products
B. create a fair competitive atmosphere for businesses
C. commercialize the development of science industry
D. prevent inventors from highly pricing their inventions
[填空题]The schema theory is an important element in ______ theory. The expression was coined to describe "an active organization".
[填空题]The ______ theory is an important element in Piaget’s theory. The expression was coined to describe "an active organization of past action".
[单项选择]Scientific tradition demands that scientific papers follow the formal progression :method first, results second, conclusion third. The rules permit no hint that, as often happens, the method was really made up as the scientist went along, or that accidental results determined the method, or that the scientist reached certain conclusions before the results were all in, or that he started out with certain conclusions, or that he started doing a different experiment.   Much scientific writing not only misrepresents the workings of science but also does a disservice to scientists themselves. By writing reports that make scientific investigations sound as unvarying and predictable as the sunrise, scientists tend to spread the curious notion that science is infallible. That many of them are unconscious of the effect they create does not alter the image in the popular mind. We hear time and again of the superiority of the "scientific method". In fact, the word "unscientific" has almost becom
A. realize the universal truth "to err is human".
B. have confidence in the precision of their work.
C. are unaware of the effect of their writings.
D. tend to be seized with subjective wishes.


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