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发布时间:2023-10-14 02:17:10

[单项选择] It being not only possible but even easy to predict which ten-year-old boys are at greatest risk of growing up to be persistent offenders, what are we doing with the information Just about the last thing that we should do is to wait until their troubles have escalated (逐步升级)in adolescence and then attack them with the provisions of the new Criminal Justice Bill. If this bill becomes law, magistrates will have the power to impose residential care orders. More young people will be drawn into institutional life when all the evidence, shows that this worsens rather than improves their prospects. The introduction of short sharp shocks in detention (拘留) centers will simply give more young people a taste of something else they don’’t need; the whole regime of’’ detention centers is one of toughening delinquents, and if you want to train someone to be anti-establishment, "I can’’t think of a better way to do it," says the writer of this report. The Cambridge Institute of Crimino
A. before adolescence
B. during institutional treatment
C. during adolescence
D. when the problem becomes acute

更多"It being not only possible but even"的相关试题:

[单项选择] It being not only possible but even easy to predict which ten-year-old boys are at greatest risk of growing up to be persistent offenders, what are we doing with the information Just about the last thing that we should do is to wait until their troubles have escalated (逐步升级)in adolescence and then attack them with the provisions of the new Criminal Justice Bill. If this bill becomes law, magistrates will have the power to impose residential care orders. More young people will be drawn into institutional life when all the evidence, shows that this worsens rather than improves their prospects. The introduction of short sharp shocks in detention (拘留) centers will simply give more young people a taste of something else they don’’t need; the whole regime of’’ detention centers is one of toughening delinquents, and if you want to train someone to be anti-establishment, "I can’’t think of a better way to do it," says the writer of this report. The Cambridge Institute of Crimino
A. new legal measures
B. better residential care
C. brief periods of harsh punishment
D. examination of their backgrounds
Being an Only Child Is More Advantageous

You are to write in three parts:
In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.
In the second part, support your opinion with one or two reasons.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

[填空题]Human being is the only species that understands the concept of risk, so we can avoid exposing ourselves to real dangers.


Being an only child has little to do with a child’s social development. A recent study that followed thirty only children and thirty-five first-born children to the age of three found that the two groups of children behaved very similarly to each other toward their peers, their parents, and other adults.
Which of the following, if true, most weakens the conclusion drawn above()

A. The groups being compared did not contain the same number of children
B. More time was spent observing the interactions of children with their mothers than with their fathers
C. Most of the researchers involved in the study were persons who had no brothers or sisters
D. The first-born children were, on the average, nearly three when their parents had the second children
E. The "other adults" described in the study consisted mainly of members of the research team

I have noticed that children are not even being school in social graces. At a Sunday brunch, a clown was making balloon animals for the children. 61) My friend’s daughter, Sarah, stood by me waiting for her turn. The children grabbed their balloons one by one and ran. 62) I was the only adult present who prompted "What do you say" when the clown handed Sarah her balloon. The clown beamed at us, grateful he had actually been acknowledged.
I don’t blame the children, however. They emulate what they see. 63) And what they are seeing is a society focused solely on acquisition -- be it another drink in a restaurant or a space on a crowded freeway -- without ever stopping to thank the source.
Rude language is now so common that it is accepted behavior. And I’m not talking about the obviously blue vocabulary in books and movies, or that damn is considered harmless compared to what else has become acceptable. I’m r


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