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发布时间:2024-07-31 19:32:26

[简答题]Making a telecommuting program work requires careful planning and an understanding of the differences between telecommuting realities and popular images. (Passage 3)

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[简答题]Making a telecommuting program work requires careful planning and an understanding of the differences between telecommuting realities and popular images. (Passage 3)
[单项选择]What did Cornell do before making his work of art
A. He explored the night life of New York.
B. He collected used boxes from the streets.
C. He joined many art-related activities.
D. He organized an artistic group.
Making Reading, Writing and Recession Work Together

A.With books tucked neatly on the shelves and a comfy purple-dragon rug in a back comer nook, the library at San Diego’s Willard B. Hage Elementary School is the perfect place for children to fall in love with reading. Since the start of the school year, however, the library has been off limits to students, who get to go there only when (already overworked) teachers can escort them and handle the record keeping. "With all of the cutbacks we’ve had in the last few years, the district can’t pay for someone to help check out books," explains Pam Wiesenberg, a third-grade teacher at the school. "As a result, the children suffer."
B.As the national economy continues to nose dive, a growing number of public schools have found themselves facing similar situations—and making more and more painful cutbacks. Advanced Placement programmes, extra help for English learners, art, music and su
Study the following information carefully and write letter in at least 100 words.
Your name is Li Ming, a student of the Department of Applied Physics, Tsinghua University.
You hope to further your study in Boston University( Massachusetts, USA)upon your graduation next year. Now you are writing to the office of graduate admissions to ask for the Application Form and other relative materials.
The following points should also be covered in your letter:
1) your personal information;
2) the reason why you choose Boston university;
3) a brief study plan.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.
[简答题]Please read the following article in Chinese carefully, and then write a summary of 200 words in English on the ANSWER SHEET. Make sure that you cover all the major points of the article. 护士在糖尿病护理中既可以发挥专家的作用,也可以只承担其中的部分护理工作。不管是何种场所的护理,都应强调病人的自我护理。 自我护理是处理糖尿病的关键,开始得越早越好。不过,当糖尿病患者确实需要帮助时,就必须由知识丰富的专业健康人士提供。 传统上,英国的糖尿病教育是由糖尿病专科护理师承担的,他们还承担着其他临床、治疗和研究工作。有些教育是以一对一方式进行,但健康专业人士已逐渐认识到,糖尿病患者互相间也能学到很多东西,因此,小组教育已经成为一种标准,还可以邀请同伴或家人参加。邀请家庭食品采购和烹制人员加入教育也很重要。他可能是家庭成员之一,也可能是家务女工或疗养院护理员。 随着社区内糖尿病人数的增加,执业护士和地区护士已经承担了过去由糖尿病护理专家所从事的很多工作。因此,他们也将参与糖尿病教育的计划和实施。今天,由于糖尿病护理专家都是在医院工作,很多糖尿病患者,特别是二型糖尿病患者,都看不到这些护理专家。 当今技术的发展,使人们的健康咨询方式发生了很大变化。电话或英特网已经成为获取健康信息的常用手段。结果,越来越多的人开始求助于拥有有用(有时也是令人迷惑)信息的健康专业人士,他们的信息或来自上述渠道,或者来自电台、电视和朋友。伯明翰正在尝试举办数字电视互动式健康咨询节目,一些健康促进机构已经接触这些屏幕节目和互动CD光盘。 这都为病人提供了更多的选择,应该受到欢迎。这可能意味着,护士的角色将发生变化,她们将不再是第一个提供信息的人,新的重要角色将出现,包括解释信息对个人及其朋友和亲属的意义,创办论坛,讨论如何实施建议。 护理糖尿病患者的护士必须有共同的工作目标,因此,制订目标和决定病情优先处理顺序便成为护理的重要因素。研究表明,糖尿病并发症可以预防。如果确实出现并发症,其恶化进程也可以减缓。关键是要控制血糖。 一型糖尿病患者的糖化血红蛋白目标是7.5%,二型为低于7%。血压是导致糖尿病并发症的一个因素,两种糖尿病的血压都应低于140/80mmHg,且越低越好。当然应以不出现低血压症状为宜。
[简答题]Part C
Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.

Vilhelm Hammershoi has been a well-kept secret since his death in 1916. All his best- known paintings are of household interiors that are drained of color and tell no stories. 46. His windows cannot be seen through, his doors cannot be opened and the figures produce no element of vitality into the rooms. Hammershoi is defiantly inscrutable; the mood is melancholic and enigmatic, but the paintings are oddly compelling. Quite why, no one seems sure.
Of the 71 paintings in a new exhibition in London, 21 come from his native Copenhagen, 15 from other Scandinavian collections and 20 from private collections, principally Danish. Hammershoi’s focus was not as narrow as this show might suggest, but to see his nudes it is necessary to visit the Statens Museum for Kunst in Denmark. He did some fine, if


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