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发布时间:2024-06-01 04:57:27


Smokers in the "land of the free" are finding themselves increasingly less free to pursue their habit. New York City officials are the latest to consider banning smoking in their parks and outside spaces.
The possibility of extending smokefree legislation was (1) in a public health policy document. However the mayor, Michael Bloomberg—who has (2) anti-smoking programmes but is up for re-election—appeared to qualify the extent of the (3) . He wanted "to see if smoking in parks has a (4) impact on people’s health", the New York Times reported recently, suggesting it "might not be (5) possible to enforce a ban across thousands of acres."
Cigarette makers Phillip Morris USA did not like the idea at all. "We believe that smoking should be permitted outdoors except in very particular (6) , such as outdoor areas primarily (7) for children," a company spo
A. occurrences
B. modest
C. negative
D. evacuated
E. championed
F. circumstances
G. outlined
H. mild
I. logistically
J. designated
K. provoked
L. rare
M. analytically
N. prohibited

更多"Smokers in the "land of the fr"的相关试题:


Smokers in the "land of the free" are finding themselves increasingly less free to pursue their habit. New York City officials are the latest to consider banning smoking in their parks and outside spaces.
The possibility of extending smokefree legislation was  (1)  in a public health policy document. However the mayor, Michael Bloomberg—who has  (2)  anti-smoking programmes but is up for re-election—appeared to qualify the extent of the  (3) . He wanted "to see if smoking in parks has a  (4)  impact on people’s health", the New York Times reported recently, suggesting it "might not be  (5)  possible to enforce a ban across thousands of acres."
Cigarette makers Phillip Morris USA did not like the idea at all. "We believe that smoking should be permitted outdoors except in very particular  (6) , such as outdoor areas primar
A. occurrences
B. modest
C. negative
D. evacuated
E. championed
F. circumstances
G. outlined
H. mild
I. logistically
J. designated
K. provoked
L. rare
M. analytically
N. prohibited


Actually, though, America, the "land of immigrants", has always had people of many different nationalities and languages. The 1990 census indicates that almost 14% of Americans speak a non English language at home. Yet only 3% reported that they spoke English "not well" or "not at all". That means that slightly more than one out of 10 Americans could be considered bilingual.
Besides that, many high school, college students, and even some elementary school students are required to take a foreign language as a part of their curriculum. In addition to old standbys like Spanish, German and French, more and more students are opting for Eastern European and Asian languages. Of course, not all students keep up their foreign language abilities. As the old saying goes, " If you don’t use it. " But still, a growing number of Americans are coming to appreciate the benefits of being multilingual.
Ethnic enclaves, found particularl
A. being able to speak two languages
B. being able to speak three languages
C. being able to speak four languages
D. being able to speak five languages

[填空题]Smokers need to drink more water than non-smokers.

"Copper" and "bobby" are two of several nicknames that the English policeman has. And "peeler" was the early nickname for the policeman, but this one has died out. Of course, among the criminal part of the community where the police are given more derogatory (贬损的) nicknames which originated in America, such as "fuzz" or "pig".
Visitors to England seem, nearly always to be very impressed by the English police. They are usually very friendly and have helpful sort of character. In London, the policemen spend so much of their time directing visitors about the city that one wonders how they ever find time to do anything else!
Two things are immediately noticeable to the stranger, when he sees an English policeman for the first time. The first is that he does not carry a pistol and the second is that he wears the policeman’s helmet. From time to time it is suggested that the policeman should be given a pistol and t
A. There are fewer criminals in America than in Britain.
B. The English police usually leave a deep impression on visitors.
C. The British bobby is friendly but not helpful.
D. The English police enjoy having pistols.


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