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发布时间:2024-07-30 20:11:30

[填空题]He would never give in ______ (即使敌人百般拷打).

更多"He would never give in ______ (即使敌人"的相关试题:

[填空题]He would never give in __________ (即使敌人百般拷打).
[简答题]We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to. (Passage 1)
[单项选择]Interview OneMost British teenagers would never carry their mobile phones ______.
A. on their belt
B. in their bag
C. in their pocket
D. in their luggage
[单项选择]"Until recently, I thought that there would never again be an opportunity to be involved with an industry as socially destructive as the subprime mortgage industry," said Steve Eisman, a hedge-fund manager who made a lot of money during the financial crisis by shorting bank shares, to Congress in June. "I was wrong. The for-profit education industry has proven equal to the task." America’s for-profit colleges are under fire, and the Obama administration is preparing tough new regulations for them. Although recent scandals suggest higher education needs to be better regulated, discriminating against the for-profit sector could do wider damage.
The notion that profit is too dirty a motive to be allowed in a business as fine as education is pervasive. Even Britain’s Conservatives, determined though they are to introduce radical educational reforms, have drawn the line at allowing for-profit schools to get state funding. America has generally been more liberal; and, with the state and
A. Uncertain.
B. Positive.
C. Negative.
D. Neutral.
[填空题]Naomi said that she would never talk to anyone else about the matter. discuss Naomi promised never____________________ anyone else,
[单项选择]()I realized the consequences, I would never have intended to get involveD.
A. If
B. When
C. Had
D. Unless
[单项选择]In 1929 it looked as though the sun would never set on the American economy. For eight years in a row, the U. S. economy had been expanding rapidly. During the Roaring Twenties the typical American family drove its first car, bought its first radio, and went to the movies for the first time. With factories running at capacity, virtually anyone who wanted to work readily found a job.
Under these circumstances everyone was optimistic. In his acceptance address of November 1928, President-elect Herbert Hoover echoed this optimism by declaring: "We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land... We shall soon with the help of God be in sight of the day when poverty will be banished from this nation. "
The booming stock market seemed to confirm this optimistic outlook. Between 1921 and 1927, the stock market’s value more than doubled, adding billions of dollars to the wealth of American households and businesses.
A. Poverty Will be banished from U. S.
B. America at that time was nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history.
C. America has been successful with the help of God.
D. He showed his optimism towards the development of the country.


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