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发布时间:2024-07-06 00:23:26

[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}
Forty years ago no one was concerned about the health of the ocean, in spite of the fact that many fisheries were being over-harvested, toxic wastes were being dumped in the sea, and developers were beginning to seriously disrupt coastlines. In those days, the magnitude of the problems was small, even though it was obvious that if the trends Continued people would face severe economic and personal hardship in the future. People just didn’t understand, nor did they care. Unfortunately many of our concerns were realized, but the situation could have been much worse, had we, and others, not taken action to inform people about the ocean and the need to protect it.
During our campaign to share the wonders of the sea and alert the public about the need to protect it, we have used every medium available--personal appearances, t
A. the ocean was immune to any pollution then
B. they didn’t know what would come of if the ocean was deadly disrupted
C. there was no computer then
D. there wasn’t any problem with the ocean at that time

更多"{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}} "的相关试题:

[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}
Forty years ago no one was concerned about the health of the ocean, in spite of the fact that many fisheries were being over-harvested, toxic wastes were being dumped in the sea, and developers were beginning to seriously disrupt coastlines. In those days, the magnitude of the problems was small, even though it was obvious that if the trends Continued people would face severe economic and personal hardship in the future. People just didn’t understand, nor did they care. Unfortunately many of our concerns were realized, but the situation could have been much worse, had we, and others, not taken action to inform people about the ocean and the need to protect it.
During our campaign to share the wonders of the sea and alert the public about the need to protect it, we have used every medium available--personal appearances, t
A. the computer is as smart as human beings
B. the computer is friendly with human beings
C. human beings can interact with the computer and do what they want at their will
D. human beings have not used the computer to its fullest advantage
[单项选择]A. Five years ago. B. Four years ago.
C. Six years ago. D. Not long ago.
[单项选择]Compared with two years ago, how many subscribers has increased
A. 562,500
B. 212,500
C. 25,000
[单项选择]Who won the Nobel Peace Prize two years ago
A. A Norwegian judge.
B. An Iranian writer.
C. An Iranian lawyer.
D. An Egyptian official.

Two hundred years ago, people thought women’s place was in the home, looking after their families. They should not go out to work or to sports games.
From the beginning of the 1900s, women were getting out a lot more. They could work as secretaries, teachers and shop assistants. They could also go to sports games. But the idea of women playing these games was simply a wish.
Today, women do almost everything men do. They manage companies, fly planes and travel in spaceships (太空船). They play football, basketball and all kinds of sports games. In the old days, women’s place was in the home, but now it can be in or out.

Two hundred years ago women spent most of their time ______.
A. on sports
B. at home
C. at work
[填空题]Two years ago there was a suggested law saying that the federal government should give some money for ___________.


Passage Three Until two years ago, Clearing, Illinois was a tranquil suburb of Chicago. But residents grew alarmed when they noticed armed teenagers on the streets, giving gang signals and shouting at passing cars. Then came a series of burglaries and graffiti messages on store- fronts. By the time local authorities realized they had a gang problem, it was too late. Last December, two 13-year-old girls were shot outside their school as they sat in a car with two members of a local gang, the Ridgeway Lords. Nearly all 50 states have recently passed laws that allow youths aged 14-17 to be tried in court as adults. In about 25 states they have passed laws to punish parents for their children’s behavior. And in 146 of the nation’s largest cities, they have imposed curfews to reduce juvenile violence. When you look at the spectacular rise of violent crime among young people recently, it’s easy to understand the concern. Over the past decade, there ha
A. A famous band.
B. A gang.
C. A prison.
D. A unit.


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