The evolutionary process culminating in man was finally completed about 35,000 years ago with the appearance of Homo Sapiens, or "thinking man." (1) in broadest perspective, this represents the second major turning (2) in the course of (3) on this planet. The first occurred when life (4) out of inorganic matter. After that momentous (5) , all living forms evolved by adapting (6) their environment, as was evident during the climate turmoil of the Pleistocene. But with the (7) of man, the evolutionary process was (8) . No longer did genes adapt to environment. Instead, man adapted by changing the environment to (9) his genes. Today, a third (10) turning point appears (11) , as man’s growing knowledge of the structure and function of genes may soon enable him to (12) his genes as well as his environment.
Man, and only man, has been able to create a made-to-order environment,
A. consists of
B. conceives of
C. combines with
D. shut out
The evolutionary process culminating in man was finally completed about 35,000 years ago with the appearance of Homo Sapiens, or "thinking man." (1) in broadest perspective, this represents the second major turning (2) in the course of (3) on this planet. The first occurred when life (4) out of inorganic matter. After that momentous (5) , all living forms evolved by adapting (6) their environment, as was evident during the climate turmoil of the Pleistocene. But with the (7) of man, the evolutionary process was (8) . No longer did genes adapt to environment. Instead, man adapted by changing the environment to (9) his genes. Today, a third (10) turning point appears (11) , as man’s growing knowledge of the structure and function of genes may soon enable him to (12) his genes as well as his environment.
Man, and only man, has been able to create a made-to-order environment,
A. Reviewed
B. Viewed
C. Probed
D. Prospected