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发布时间:2024-07-31 20:56:34

[单项选择]A. It was interesting. B. It was boring.
C. It was discouraging. D. It was moving.

更多"A. It was interesting. "的相关试题:

A. Ⅰ类洞
B. Ⅱ类洞
C. Ⅲ类洞
D. Ⅳ类洞
E. Ⅴ类洞

Passage Two

Running a School Book Stall
I assume that the desirability of a school book stall needs no urging. Many schools sell food and toys. If we do not sell books it is surely strange Many schools serve areas where book shops do not exist and the only books brought before children for buying are the dubious selections of supermarkets. Moreover even in communities where a good book shop is available the guidance which can be given at the book stall is valuable, as we soon found.
Essentially the school book stall is an extension of the encouragement and guidance in private reading which is part of the work of the English teacher. The first essential then, in setting up shop is a teacher particularly interested in children reading and in building up as wide as pos
A. because children always choose the wrong books
B. children find it difficult to choose books in a supermarket
C. because children only like strange books
D. children find it difficult to choose the fight books
[单项选择]According to the Financial Accounting Standards Board, what is the appropriate balance sheet treatment for available-for-sale securities and where are the unrealized gains and losses reported Balance sheet Unrealized gains and losses()①A. Fair value Net income ②B. Fair value Other comprehensive income ③C. Amortized cost Other comprehensive income
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③

American humor and American popular heroes were born together, The first popular heroes of the new nation were comic heroes, and the first popular humor of the new nation was the antics of its hero-clowns. The heroic and the comic were combined in novel American proportions in popular literature.
The heroic themes are obvious enough and not much different from those in the legends of other times and places: Achilles, Beowulf, Siegfried, Roland, and King Arthur. The American Davy Crockett legends repeat the familiar pattern of the Old World heroic story: the pre-eminence of a mighty hero whose fame in myth has a tenuous basis in fact; the remarkable birth and precocious strength of the hero; single combats in which he distinguished himself against antagonists, both man and beast; vows and boasts; pride of the hero in his weapons, his dog, and his woman.
Davy Crockett conquered man and beast with a swaggering nonchalance. He overcame animals by force of body and wil
A. American popular literature was based on the legends of other times and places.
B. American popular heroes were characteristically comic.
C. Davy Crockett wrote humorous stories about mastering the nature.
D. The Davy Crockett stories reflected the adventurous spirit of early America.

[填空题] Visiting Chinese Commerce Minister Bo Xilai met with his Japanese counterpart Toshihiro Nikai on Saturday in Kyoto and discussed (36)________ties, trade, energy-saving cooperation and other issues, diplomatic (37)________said late Sunday. "Cold bilateral ties have (38)________on the political front. This has (39)________ economic and trade relations," Bo was quoted as saying at the meeting. He noted that the difficulty in bilateral relations (40)________not because of the Chinese side or the Japanese people, but because of the Japanese leader’’s (41)________on visiting the war-linked Yasukuni Shrine, where top war (42)________are honored. Bo expressed his hope that Japan would have a right view on history and create conditions for (43)________ trade cooperation in the future. (44)________________ Japanese Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Nikai expressed willingness to mend fences between the two countries by promoting economic cooperation. (45)______________


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