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发布时间:2023-10-21 20:48:35

[填空题]Mark Twain got his fame by the work "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County".

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[填空题]Mark Twain got his fame by the work "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County".

[单项选择]Mr. Robinson got his business qualifications at
A. a university.
B. a night school.
C. a training centre.
[单项选择]Herman’s success is due to his hard work and his ability to formulate plans which will get work done efficiently.
A. fulfill
B. approve
C. conceive
D. conduct
[单项选择]A. His international fame.
B. His leading status in the film industry.
C. His music style.
D. His personality.
[单项选择]John Ciardi got his master’s degree from the University of Michigan in 1939 and has published more than 40 poems.
A. True
B. False

My father was a very intelligent man. He got his college degree in mathematics and physics, meaning he had a very cognitive reasoning sense. He was logical. He belonged to Mensa, the organization comprised of the people with the highest IQs in the world, I can remember as a child some of the questions that dad would pose to my brothers and me that came from assorted Mensa tests. I entered college in 1971, at the University of Kentucky. I attended in part due to a music scholarship, but pissed it away by not applying myself. I was sure that dad was the most upset father. I didn’t finish school. I was too young to realize what a college degree could bring me. I transferred to a college close to home for my second year, but it was no use. As the years went by, Dad didn’t hesitate to remind me that I was never too old to go back to college. I never listened to him. I was married, had a young child, and was busy living my own life. Finally, in the spring of 1986, when I ha
A. A Bachelor Degree of Science.
B. A Bachelor Degree of Arts.
C. A four year degree in mathematics.
D. A four year degree in physics.

[单项选择]Mr. Brown was at the theatre. He had got his ticket at the moment, so he had not been ahle to choose his seat. He now found that he was in the middle of a group of American la- dies, some of them middle-aged and some of them quite old. They clearly all knew each other well, as before the curtain went up on the play they had come to see, they all talked and joked a lot together.
The lady sitting on Mr. Brown’s left, who was about sixty years old, seemed to be the happiest and the most interesting of the American group, and after the first act of the play, she apologized to him for the noisiness of her friends. He answered that he was very glad to see American ladies so really enjoying their visit to England, and so they had a friendly talk. Mr. Brown’s neighbour explained what they doing there.
"You know, I have known these ladies all my life," she said. "We all grew up together back in our hometown in the United States. They have all lost their husbands~ and call themselves t
A. The person who lived next to Mr. Brown was also at the theatre.
B. The American ladies apologized for being noisy.
C. All of the American ladies lost their husbands.
D. The American ladies did not know each other at all.


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