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发布时间:2024-07-02 00:25:02

[单项选择]Passage Four
There are various in which individual economic units can interact with one another. Three basic ways may be described as the market system, the administered system and the traditional system.
In a market system individual economic units are free to interact among each other in the marketplace. It is possible to buy commodities from other economic units or sell commodities to them. In a market, transactions may take place via barter or money exchange. In a barter economy, real goods such as automobiles, shoes and pizzas are traded against each other. Obviously, finding somebody who wants to trade my old car in exchange for a sailboat may not always be an easy task. Hence, the introduction of money as a medium of exchange eases transactions considerably. In the modem market economy, goods and services are bought or sold for money
A. "high quality"
B. "concrete"
C. "utter"
D. "authentic"

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[单项选择]Passage Four
There are various in which individual economic units can interact with one another. Three basic ways may be described as the market system, the administered system and the traditional system.
In a market system individual economic units are free to interact among each other in the marketplace. It is possible to buy commodities from other economic units or sell commodities to them. In a market, transactions may take place via barter or money exchange. In a barter economy, real goods such as automobiles, shoes and pizzas are traded against each other. Obviously, finding somebody who wants to trade my old car in exchange for a sailboat may not always be an easy task. Hence, the introduction of money as a medium of exchange eases transactions considerably. In the modem market economy, goods and services are bought or sold for money
A. To outline contrasting types of economy.
B. To explain the science of economics.
C. To argue for the superiority of one economics.
D. To compare barter and money exchange markets.
[单项选择]Passage Four

Which of the following suggestions are not implied in the passage a. Develop internet streetsmarts. b. Be skeptical of anyone online who asks to divulge confidential information. c. Higher levels of security protection. d. Do not use instant messaging and phone calls online.
[单项选择]Passage Four

Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the reason for scammers to go after home computers a. Because of the data that contain credit card information. b. Because of the data that contain social security numbers. c. Because of the machines that control the high speed linkds which in mm can be used for spamming, and fraud. d. Because of less protection of home computers.
[单项选择]Passage 2

According to the passage, which is NOT tree about chronic diseases a. It is estimated that seventy-five percent of the people will die from chronic diseases after ten years. b. There are more people killed by chronic diseases in China than in the US. c. China will spend more than five hundred thousand yuan on the chronic diseases in the next ten years. d. Russia also suffers from economic losses because of chronic diseases.
[单项选择]Passage Four
Lead deposits, which accumulated in soil and snow during the 1960’s and 1970’s, were primarily the result of leaded gasoline emissions originating in the United States. In the twenty years that the Clean Air Act has mandated unleaded gas use in the United States, the lead accumulation world-wide has decreased significantly.
A study published recently in the journal Nature shows that air-borne leaded gas emissions from the United States were the leading contributor to the high concentration of lead in the snow in Greenland. The new study is a result of the continued research led by Dr. Charles Boutron, an expert on the impact of heavy metals on the environment at the National Center for Scientific Research in France. A study by Dr. Boutron published in 1991 showed that lead levels in arctic (北极的) snow were declining.
In his
A. lead deposits in arctic snow are on the increase
B. the Clean Air Act has not produced the desired results
C. the US is the major source of lead pollution in arctic snow
D. lead will stay in soil and snow longer than expected
[填空题]This passage deals with four factors that affect people’s demand for certain demanded goods.

Passage Two

Nearly four years ago, a web-based political movement set itself the modest task of "closing the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want". Calling their group Avaaz, which means "voice" in several languages, the founders aimed to reproduce globally some of the success which their predecessors—like America’s Moveon.org, and Australia’s Getup! —had enjoyed in national political fields.
By its own lights, the movement, using 14 languages and engaged in an astounding list of causes, has had some spectacular successes. Within the next few months, membership will top 6m. The number of individual actions taken is estimated at over 23m. Among the recent developments Avaaz claims to have influenced are a new anti-corruption law in Brazil; a move by Britain to create a marine-conservation zone in the Indian Ocean; and the spiking of a propos
A. A political website has been built four years ago.
B. National politics have been quite enjoyable.
C. Some political campaigns had achieved a lot.
D. Voices in 14 languages has been well aime


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