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发布时间:2023-12-07 21:58:05

[单项选择]The United States Department of Labor (enforces) laws that (promote) the welfare of wage earners, (improving) occupational conditions and (advance) employment opportunities.
A. enforces
B. promote
C. improving
D. advance

更多"The United States Department of Lab"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The United States Department of Labor (enforces) laws that (promote) the welfare of wage earners, (improving) occupational conditions and (advance) employment opportunities.
A. enforces
B. promote
C. improving
D. advance
American Sports

The United States is a sports-loving nation. Sports in America take a variety of forms: organized competitive struggles, which draw huge crowds to cheer their favorite team to victory; athletic games, played for recreation anywhere sufficient space is found; and hunting and fishing. Most sports are seasonal, so that what is happening in sports depends upon the time of year. Some sports are called spectator sports, as the number of spectators great exceeds the number playing in the game.
Baseball is the most popular sport in the US. It is played throughout the spring and summer, and professional baseball teams play well into the fall. Although no other game is exactly like baseball, perhaps the one most nearly like it is the English game other game of cricket.
Football is the most popular sport in the fall. The game originated as a college sport more than 75 years ago. It is still played by almost every coll
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
[单项选择]In the United States, 36 states currently allow capital punishment for serious crimes such as murder. Americans have always argued about the death penalty. Today, there is a serious question about this issue: Should there be a minimum age limit for executing criminals In other words, is it right for convicted murderers who kill when they are minors--i, e. , under the age of 18--to receive the death penalty
In most other countries of the world, there is no capital punishment for minors. In the United States, though, each state makes its own decision. Of the 36 states that allow the death penalty, 30 permit the execution of minors.
In the state of South Carolina, a convicted murderer was given the death penalty for a crime he committed while he was a minor. In 1977, when he was 17 years old, James Terry Roach and two friends brutally murdered three people. Roach’s lawyer fought the decision to execute him. The young murderer remained on Death Row (a separate part of prison for
A. All states in the U.S. allow the death penalty for serious crimes such as murder.
B. South Carolina does not allow capital punishment for minors.
C. the governor of a state can stop an execution.
D. Americans agree that it is wrong to execute convicted criminals who are minors.
[单项选择]The United States is the United Nations’ biggest deadbeat. Conservatives in Congress, led by Senator Jessie Helms, stopped Washington from paying its dues until the UN reduced its assessment and made other changes. Now, thanks to the hard work of Richard Holbrooke, America’s UN representative, and his staff, the UN has agreed to trim the U. S. share of financial burdens for the UN general budget and for peacekeeping. Mr. Helms, who has praised the deal, should release the dues he has been holding hostage— $582 million of the $1.3 billion the UN says it is owed.
The new formula would reduce the U. S. contribution to the general UN budget to 22% from the current level of 25%—a symbolic difference of only $34 million a year. Washington, which has been paying just over 30% of the peacekeeping budget, would now pay 27%—a difference of $80 million to $120 million a year—and that percentage will drop further. While poor countries would not pay more, the dues of other wealthy nations woul
A. other countries to pay as much as the U. S.
B. Washington to make assessments and changes
C. the UN’s general budget to be trimmed
D. the U. S. to share a smaller part of the burden

The United States government publishes guidelines for appropriate nutrient intakes. These are known as the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) and are updated regularly based on new research in nutrition. RDAs are suggested amounts of calories, protein, and some minerals and vitamins for an adequate diet. For other dietary substances, specific goals must await further research. However, for the U.S. population as a whole, increasing starch and fiber in one’’s diet and reducing calories (primarily from fats, sugar, and alcohol) is sensible. These suggestions are especially appropriate for people who have other factors for chronic diseases due to family history of obesity, premature heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and high blood cholesterol, or for those who use tobacco. Snacks can furnish about one-fourth of the calorie requirements among teenagers. Those snacks should also provide much of the day’’s allowances for protein, minerals, and vit
A. One-half.
B. One-third.
C. One-fourth.
D. Less than one-fourth.


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