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发布时间:2023-10-04 16:44:01

A. 急性感染
B. 慢发病毒感染
C. 隐性感染
D. 慢性感染
E. 显性感染


A. 卡氏肺囊虫性肺炎
B. Kaposi’s肉瘤
C. 非霍奇金淋巴瘤
D. 痴呆
E. 口腔毛状黏膜白斑病
A. 急性感染期、无症状感染期、艾滋病相关综合征、艾滋病(艾滋病完全型)
B. 隐形感染期、无症状感染期、艾滋病相关综合征、艾滋病(艾滋病完全型)
C. 急性感染期、隐形感染期、艾滋病相关综合征、艾滋病(艾滋病完全型)
D. 隐形感染期、急性感染期、艾滋病相关综合征、艾滋病(艾滋病完全型)
E. 急性感染期、艾滋病相关综合征、无症状感染期、艾滋病(艾滋病完全型)
A. 金刚烷胺
B. 无环鸟苷
C. 叠氮胸苷
D. 阿糖胞苷
E. 脱氧鸟苷

AIDS has now surpassed the Black Death on its course to become the worst pandemic in human history. At the end of 2004, 20 million people had been killed by it, and twice that number is currently infected with HIV. Barring a medical breakthrough, it could claim the lives of some 60 million people by 2015. AIDS exerts a terrible toll on societies, crippling their economies, decimating their labor forces and orphaning their children.
Nine out of 10 people living with HIV are in the developing world; 60 to 70% of those are in Sub-Saharan Africa. But the disease is spreading in every region, with fierce epidemics threatening to tear through countries such as India, China, Russia and the islands of the Caribbean. The statistics are sobering — in some Southern African towns 44% of pregnant women are HIV positive, in Botswana 37% of people carry the virus.
Immune assassin
The human immunodeficie

AIDS has now surpassed the Black Death on its course to become the worst pandemic in human history. At the end of 2004, 20 million people had been killed by it, and twice that number is currently infected with HIV. Barring a medical breakthrough, it could claim the lives of some 60 million people by 2015. AIDS exerts a terrible toll on societies, crippling their economies, decimating their labor forces and orphaning their children.
Nine out of 10 people living with HIV are in the developing world; 60 to 70% of those are in Sub-Saharan Africa. But the disease is spreading in every region, with fierce epidemics threatening to tear through countries such as India, China, Russia and the islands of the Caribbean. The statistics are sobering — in some Southern African towns 44% of pregnant women are HIV positive, in Botswana 37% of people carry the virus.
Immune assassin
The human immunodeficiency viru
A. People killed by it are the same in number with the people being infected with HIV.
B. It poses serious problems to human beings’ development both in medical and in social sense.
C. Most of the people killed by it are from the developing world.
D. 44% of women are HIV positive in some Southern African towns.
A. 医源性传播
B. 垂直传播
C. 水平平传播
D. 接触传播
E. 间接传播
A. 杀细胞性感染
B. 稳定状态感染
C. 整合感染
D. 慢发病毒感染
E. 潜伏感染

When was HIV/AIDS first recognized
[单项选择]广谱抗生素可引起菌群失调进而引起出血和二重感染,属于( )
A. 副作用
B. 首剂效应
C. 停药综合征
D. 毒性作用
E. 继发反应
A. 内源性感染
B. 接触感染
C. 动物的咬伤
D. 蚊虫叮咬感染
E. 外源性感染
A. 消除性免疫
B. 伴随免疫
C. 带虫免疫
D. 免疫缺陷
E. 缺少有效的获得性免疫


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