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发布时间:2023-10-28 23:23:08

[单项选择]She believes that she is not a good mother because she does not fit the stereotype of a woman who spends all her time with her children.( )
A. popular image
B. common standard
C. fixed conception
D. pleasant notion

更多"She believes that she is not a good"的相关试题:


Conversation Two

Agnetta believes her mother’s departure was a good thing because ( )
A. her father was much happier
B. she didn’t feel so ugly any more
C. it made her more determined to succeed
[单项选择]A) Because she leaves her mother. C) Because she is iii.
B) Because she is in the hospital. D) Because her mother is iii.
[填空题]The author believes that a good knowledge of gender differences in ways of talking might eventually lead to ______.

[单项选择]My mother felt pleased with herself because she ( ) my father to give up smoking.
A. has persuaded
B. had persuaded
C. has advised
D. was given advice to
[单项选择]When my mother learned she was pregnant with me, my parents sat down one Sunday morning to review their finances. Turning on the radio for a little light music, they penciled some calculations for the savings they would need to make to pay for my college education. The music paused for an announcement that Japanese airplanes were attacking Pearl Harbor. The notes went into the wastebasket. (66) Not so today for all the upheaval of the past half-century, this has been by far the most tranquil period ever. Unlike any of their forebears, a majority of the world’s young adults have good reason to develop plans for their old age. They know they will probably live to see the greenhouse-warmed planet of the late 21st century. (67) This is also unprecedented: never in history have people roused themselves against such a distant threat. Millions of people and whole governments are addressing the issue. Even in the US army, senior officers are studying the implications fo
[单项选择]Beth Hatfield lost her job because the company she worked for
A. had financial difficulties.
B. lost a major contract.
C. was taken over.
[单项选择]A. Because she was sick. B. Because she got up late.
C. Because the traffic was very heavy. D. Because she took the wrong bus.
[单项选择]Cindy obeys her father because she knows that she will be punished for disobeying. Kohlberg would describe Cindy’s moral behavior as( )
A. Immoral
B. Conventional
C. Preconventional
D. Postconventional
[填空题]She will come to see the mother the moment she (be) ______ free.
[单项选择]A) Because she was a black girl.
B) Because she got the highest average in the class.
C) Because she wanted to hit the chairman’s wife.
D) Because she refused to retake the exam.
[单项选择]A. Because she got up too late.B. Because she missed the bus.
  C. Because the bus broke down. D. Because the bus came late.


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