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发布时间:2024-07-31 01:04:25

[填空题]ADO的中文名称是 【11】

更多"ADO的中文名称是 【11】 。"的相关试题:

[单项选择]包括中文名、汉语拼音名和拉丁名的是( )
A. 商品名
B. 通用名
C. 化学名
D. 中药材名称
E. 中药制剂名称
A. 阿拉明与可拉明
B. 安妥明与安妥碘
C. 消心痛与消炎痛
D. 他巴唑与地巴唑
E. 泰能与泰宁
[简答题]The recent research indicates that some of the adolescents’ health-risk behaviors may cause ______.

Aims of Asset Management
A. adaptation B. adoption C. adeption
[单项选择]Traditionally, women have lagged behind men in adoption of Internet technologies, but a study released yesterday found that women under age 65 now outpace men in Internet usage. The report, "How Women and Men Use the Internet," examined use by both sexes, looking at what men and women are doing online as well as their rate of adopting new Web-based technologies. "I think the real interesting story is the young women, because that is the one age cohort where there are many more women online," said Deborah Fallows, who wrote the report based on findings from surveys conducted over the past five years. "The younger women are just much more comfortable with the Internet." The report found that 86 percent of women ages 18 to 29 were online, compared with 80 percent of men in the same age group. Among African Americans, 60 percent of women are online, compared with 50 percent of men.
In other age groups, the disparity is only slight, with women outpacing men by 3 percentage points. Howe
A. there is big disparity between the sexes on the Web among African Americans.
B. Result of the study is shocking because it contrasts to the traditional thinking.
C. The study found more and more old people spent time and energy in net usage.
D. The young women are more practical in using the new Web-based technologies.
A. Connection
B. Command
C. RecordSet
D. Err


A. 15mmHg
B. 30mmHg
C. 45mmHg
D. 60mmHg
E. 80mmHg
A. 在对应的数据库表中增加一条新记录
B. 在记录集中增加一个新列
C. 在内存中开辟存放一条新纪录的空间
D. 增加一个新的记录集
A. 局域网
B. 城域网
C. 广域网
D. 无线网
A. 肺不张
B. 心排血量下降
C. 肺水肿
D. 吸入氧分压减低
E. 右向左分流的先心病
A. 它是与OLE DB同层的独立的接口集
B. 它是与ODBC同层的独立的接口集
C. 它是建立在OLE DB接口之上的高层接口集
D. OLE DB是建立在ADO对象模型之上的高层接口集
A. WAN——域网
B. ISP——因特网服务程序
C. USB——不间断电源
D. RAM——只读存储器


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