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发布时间:2023-10-19 19:19:49

[判断题]The salesman is prepared to extend the warranty period by one year.

更多"The salesman is prepared to extend "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Once you’re prepared for a situation, you’re 50 percent of the way toward overcoming nervousness. The other 50 percent is the physical and mental control of nervousness; adjusting your attitude so you have confidence, and control of yourself and your audience.
I was in the theater for many years and always went to work with terrible stage fright—until I was in The King and I. While waiting offstage one night, I saw Yul Brynner, the show’s star, pushing in a lunging (冲) position against a wall. It looked as though he wanted to knock it down. "This helps me control my nervousness," he explained.
I tried it and, sure enough, freed myself from stage fright. Not only that, but pushing the wall seemed to give me a whole new kind of physical energy. Later I discovered that when you push against a wall you contract the muscles that lie just below where your ribs (肋骨) begin to splay (展开). I call this area the "vital triangle".
To understand how
A. adjust his attitude as well as make preparations
B. ask the audience to give him confidence
C. try not to be knocked down by stage fright
D. wait offstage
[单项选择]The salesman approached the house cautiously when he saw the vicious dog at the door.
A. carefully
B. deliberately
C. nervously
D. bravely
[判断题]The salesman is demonstrating the new fax machine to a customer.
[单项选择]A. Customer and salesman. B. Colleagues.
C. Employee and boss. D. Classmates.
[判断题]At first the salesman agrees to give the customer a discount of 12 percent.
[单项选择]If the manager lowered the price as the salesman suggests, what would the final price be
A. 15,475.
B. 15,575.
C. 15,675.
D. 15,775.
[单项选择]How did the salesman and the floor manager think when they heard that the speaker didn’t have a driver’s license
A. They felt very surprised and was suspicious of him.
B. They didn’t feel any surprise and sold him the typewriter right away.
C. They thought the speaker was a cheater and was thinking of calling the police.
D. They felt very sympathetic with him.
[单项选择]· You will hear an insurance salesman, Dan, talking to a friend, Helen, about the appraisal interview he has just had. · For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. · After you have listened once, replay the recording.Dan took a step down to his present job because he


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