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发布时间:2024-03-16 04:04:44

[单项选择]As China’s second largest partner in Europe, has Britain taken measures to strengthen the trade relations with China
A. 作为中国在欧洲的第二大贸易伙伴,英国已经采取措施来加强同中国的贸易关系了吗
B. 作为中国在欧洲的第二大贸易伙伴,英国对加强同中国的贸易关系有何举措
C. 英国是中国在欧洲的第二大伙伴,它已经采取强化同中国进行贸易往来的措施了吗
D. 当中国成为英国在欧洲的第二大搭档时,英国已经作好了同中国贸易抗衡的准备了吗

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[单项选择]As China’s second largest partner in Europe, has Britain taken measures to strengthen the trade relations with China
A. 作为中国在欧洲的第二大贸易伙伴,英国已经采取措施来加强同中国的贸易关系 了吗
B. 作为中国在欧洲的第二大贸易伙伴,英国对加强同中国的贸易关系有何举措
C. 英国是中国在欧洲的第二大伙伴,它已经采取强化同中国进行贸易往来的措施了吗
D. 当中国成为英国在欧洲的第二大搭档时,英国已经做好了同中国贸易抗衡的准备 了吗
[多项选择]China has surpassed the US to become the second-largest luxury market in 2009, spending of $9.4 billion and accounting for 27.5 percent of total global sales. Global luxury brands have been fighting for profits tooth and nail. Chinese people’s ability to purchase such products indicates the economic development of the country; however, some people’s obsession with luxury brands has raised criticism while some people are scraping by for money from their daily living expenses. What is your opinion Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:
Can Luxury Brands Buy Happiness

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropria
[多项选择]During the 20th century Europe has experienced periods of considerable economic growth and prosperity, and industrial development has proliferated much more widely throughout the continent: but continued economic development in Europe has been handicapped to a large degree by its multi- national character--which has spawned economic rivalries among states and two devastating World wars--as well as by the exhaustion of many of its resources and by increased economic, competition from overseas. Governmental protectionism, which has tended to restrict the potential market for a product to a single country, has deprived many industrial concerns of the efficiencies of large-scale production serving a mass market ( such as is found in the United States). In addition, enterprise efficiency has suffered from government support and from a lack of competition within a national market area. Within individual countries there have been growing tensions between regions that have prospered
[单项选择]Europe has long prided itself on the notion that, even if its cousin across the At- lantic had surpassed it in matters geopolitical and military, its cultural cachet remained unrivaled. Europe was the capital of great literature, haute couture, the nouvelle vague. American culture may have spread to even the most remote reaches of the globe, but it was lowbrow. Superman and Hollywood blockbusters versus Picasso and Cannes.
But, as it turns out, America is actually winning the culture race for global audiences and leaving Europe in the dust, says French journalist Frtdtric Martel in his book, Mainstream. Martel spent five years traveling to 30 countries to conduct his research, and his conclusions are striking, especially coming from a Frenchman. American businesses are far smarter than their European counterparts at using new digital materials to distribute movies, music, television shows, and books all around the globe. Most of all, they excel in producing a "culture that everyon
A. elite culture; mass culture
B. arrogant; modest
C. high culture; low culture
D. self-referential; diversified

China has committed to meet international standards of
[填空题]China has officially joined the international push to make research papers free to read. On 15 May, the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), one of the country’s major basic-science funding (26) , and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), which funds and conducts research at more than 100 institutions, announced that researchers they support should (27) their papers into online repositories and make them publicly (28) within 12 months of publication.
The policies, which (29) the same day they were announced, are similar to the mandate set by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Xiaolin Zhang, director of the National Science Library at the CAS in Beijing, says that another major research-funding agency, the national (30) of science and technology, is also researching open-access policies. He expects that its policy will take a similar line.
The announcements could see tens or even hundreds of th
[单项选择]As a result of expansion into Europe, Tesco has
A. set up a new distribution network.
B. reduced its capital costs.
C. changed its production methods.
[单项选择]It is universally acknowledged that China has achieved tremendous successes in family planning.()
A. 人们普通赞赏中国在家庭计划方面达到了宏伟的目标。
B. 人们一致承认中国在家庭计划方面取得了巨大的成绩。
C. 人们一致公认中国的计划生育取得了极大的成绩。
D. 世界上流行着一种看法,中国政府对每个家庭的成功起到巨大的作用。

China has the largest population of young netizens in the world, but they turn to the Internet mostly to play games.
Step into any Internet caf in China and you are bound to see this sight: rows of young faces, their eyes fixed on computer screens, earphones over their heads, their fingers moving rapidly on the keyboards. A chorus of mouse clicks provides the background music.
The Research Report on Internet Entertainment Trends of China’s Youth, issued by the Institute of Public Governance of Renmin University of China, may shed some light on the Internet caf scene. The report, which was released during the 2005 China Youth and Entertainment Forum last September, outlines how the country’s young people entertain themselves. The top three activities are online entertainment (39.9%), sports (18.3%) and watching television (12.3%).
While blogs, or personal Web logs, have drawn a lot of media attention as a major focus of Internet use, it is clear


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