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发布时间:2024-08-01 05:52:59

Who Came First, the Chicken or the Egg

I just mailed the chicken and the egg, each in its own separate packaging, and kept careful track of when each shipment was sent from a post office in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and when it later arrived at its intended destination in New York City.
In mailing the chicken, I was careful to adhere to the restrictions described in the American Postal Service’s Domestic Mail Manual 57, as updated on April 3, 2003. This, the most recent, version of the Manual states that: "Adult chickens must be sent by Express Mail. The containers used must pass the standards in International Safe Transit Association Test Procedure IA; be strong enough to endure normal handling; and ensure enough air for the chickens in transit... The number of birds must not be more than 1he container’s limit. "
I mailed the chicken in a wooden box got from a colleague who does research with birds.
Then, I mailed the egg
A. Because he had never been there before.
B. Because he wanted to show that he could arrive before both the chicken and the egg.
C. Because he wanted to check which of the two items would arrive first.
D. Because he had sent the chicken and the egg to himself.

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Who Came First, the Chicken or the Egg

I just mailed the chicken and the egg, each in its own separate packaging, and kept careful track of when each shipment was sent from a post office in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and when it later arrived at its intended destination in New York City.
In mailing the chicken, I was careful to adhere to the restrictions described in the American Postal Service’s Domestic Mail Manual 57, as updated on April 3, 2003. This, the most recent, version of the Manual states that: "Adult chickens must be sent by Express Mail. The containers used must pass the standards in International Safe Transit Association Test Procedure IA; be strong enough to endure normal handling; and ensure enough air for the chickens in transit... The number of birds must not be more than 1he container’s limit. "
I mailed the chicken in a wooden box got from a colleague who does research with birds.
Then, I mailed the egg
A. It should be made of steel.
B. It should be ventilated.
C. It should be sufficiently large.
D. It should be strong.
[单项选择]The first person I came across who’d got the measure of e-mall was an American friend who was high up in a big corporation. Some years ago, when this method of communication first seeped into business life from academia, his company in New York and its satellites across the globe were among the first to get it. In the world’s great seats of learning, e-mail had for some years allowed researchers to share vital new jokes. And if there was cutting-edge wit to be had, there was no way my friend’s corporation would be without it.
One evening in New York, he was late for a drink we’d arranged. "Sorry," he said, "I’ve been away and had to deal with 998 e-mails in my queue." "Wow," I said, "I’m really surprised you made it before midnight."
"It doesn’t really take that tong," be explained, "if you simply delete them all."
True to form, he had developed a strategy before most of us had even heard of e-mail. If any information he was sent was sufficiently vital, his lack of
A. so that employees could contact academics more easily.
B. to avoid missing out on any musing novelty.
C. because it had been tried and tested in universities.
D. to cope with the vast mount of correspondence they received.
The first person I came across who’d got the measure of e-mall was an American friend who was high up in a big corporation. Some years ago, when this method of communication first seeped into business life from academia, his company in New York and its satellites across the globe were among the first to get it. In the world’s great seats of learning, e-mail had for some years allowed researchers to share vital new jokes. And if there was cutting-edge wit to be had, there was no way my friend’s corporation would be without it.
One evening in New York, he was late for a drink we’d arranged. "Sorry," he said, "I’ve been away and had to deal with 998 e-mails in my queue." "Wow," I said, "I’m really surprised you made it before midnight."
"It doesn’t really take that tong," be explained, "if you simply delete them all."
True to form, he had
A. (A) so that employees could contact academics more easily.
B. (B) to avoid missing out on any musing novelty.
C. (C) because it had been tried and tested in universities.
D. (D) to cope with the vast mount of correspondence they received.
[单项选择]Who came last
A. Bill.
B. The Woman.
C. E
[单项选择]Woman: You came home just to lie on the couch and fix your eyes on the box.Man: Yon said it. For years it’s been everyone’s little dirty secret about TV watching. But I’ll "come out of the closet" , and claim it loud that I am a "tuber and proud".Question: What can we learn from this conversation
A. Watching TV does harm to people’s health.
B. Everyone likes watching TV and likes to confess to it.
C. People claim openly that they like watching TV.
D. The man claims openly that he likes watching TV.
[简答题]Some scientists believe that yawning is just to make us______.

[单项选择]When the snow came down in Shanghai just after Christmas, the students in my school went out to play. For many of them it was a day of firsts: the first snow they had seen, the first opportunity for snowball fights and the first chance at trying to build a snowman. But it was a modest (不太大的) snowfall and a couple of days later it was all just a happy memory. In Canada, where I come from, when the snow arrives, it stays. In parts of Canada you can expect the first snowfall in November and there is a good chance that snow will still be on the ground in March.
With such a long winter, Canadians have found ways to enjoy the cold and the snow and, at this time of year when China is preparing for Spring Festival, Canadian cities are preparing for their winter carnivals (狂欢节). Most cities have them but the biggest and the most famous is the Quebec Winter Carnival which, this year, is celebrating its 50th anniversary. From January 28 to February 13 the people of Quebec City and tens of th


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