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发布时间:2023-12-31 18:48:14

[单项选择]When foreigners are sometimes asked what seems most strange about American society, somewhere on the top of the list will be the fact that the average citizen is allowed to possess guns.
Although it is true that many people carry guns legally in the United States, it is also known that many who possess guns carry them illegally. Others, who don’t have guns, feel that guns can be acquired quite easily. A recent survey indicated that many high school students, especially in the inner cities, can acquire a gun with little difficulty.
Although most people would never want to own a gun, others have taken up hunting as a sport and enjoy hunting wild game in season. Hunting for deer and duck in fall and winter is very much a part of the American culture.
Also, some farmers in rural areas who raise cattle and sheep feel they need to protect their animals against wolves that attack their herds and flocks at night. To defend and support their rights to possess firearms the Nationa
A. gathering political support
B. becoming increasingly restricted
C. threatening endangered species
D. causing serious problems

更多"When foreigners are sometimes asked"的相关试题:

[简答题]When foreigners are sometimes asked what seems most strange about American society, somewhere on the top of the list will be the fact the average citizen is allowed to possess guns.
Although it is true that many people carry guns legally in the United States, it is also known that many who possess guns carry illegally. Others, who don’t have guns, feel that guns can be acquired quite easily. A recent survey indicated that many high school students, especially in the inner cities, can acquire gun with little difficulty.
Although most people would never want to own a gun, others have taken up hunting as a sport and enjoy hunting wild game in season. Hunting for deer and duck in fall and winter is very much a part of the American culture.
Also, some farmers in rural areas who raise cattle and sheep feel they need to protect their animals against wolves that attack their herds and flocks at night. To defend and support their fights to possess firearms the National Rifl
[单项选择]When asked to explain what has happened, John was totally at a loss for words.
A. 要求约翰对发生过的事情进行解释时,他讲的话让人完全摸不着头脑。
B. 让约翰解释发生过的事情时,约翰完全不知道说什么好。
C. 由于约翰完全不知道发生过什么事,所以他就让别人解释给他听。
D. 约翰自己要求要解释发生过的事情,到头来却又一句话也不肯说。
[单项选择]What was the speaker asked to show when he decided to buy a typewriter
A. He was asked to show a personal check to the salesman.
B. He was asked to show anything to prove his identifications.
C. He was asked to show a credit card.
D. He was asked to present his pass to the White House.
[填空题]I asked successful people what the secret of their success was. I (26) an early discussion with a vice president of a large oil company. "Oh, I just keep a To Do List," he said. I (27) that quickly, little suspecting the importance of what he said.
I was in another city the next day and I had lunch with a (28) who practically owned the town. He was chairman of the gas and light company, president of five (29) companies, and had his hand in a dozen other (30) . I asked him how he (31) to get everything done. "Oh, that’s easy," he said. "I keep a To Do List." The first thing in the morning, he told me, he would come in and list what he wanted to (32) that day. He would arrange the items in priority.
During the day he would (33) items and add others as they occurred to him. In the evening he would check to see how many of the items he had written down still remained (34) and the


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